1. Finish Strong
You’ve made your college decision, but you are not quite done with High School, you need to finish strong, colleges can and have rescinded admission offers to kids that flunk the last semester of high school. The same holds true for getting caught in any kind of criminal behavior.
2. Sign Up At Your New College
Now that you’ve made your college decision, you need to go online and sign in with your new college to get your online college student ID and password. You are going to need this information over the summer. Write it down and keep it safe.
3. Check For Housing Deadlines
Colleges have housing deadlines. You need to find out what the deadline is and apply as soon as possible to have the best chance of getting your first choice. You will be required to make your initial housing deposit to complete your housing application.
4. Complete All Financial Documents
If there are any steps you need to take to finalize your financial aid package make sure you get that done on time. If you are taking out a student loan, you need to download and file certain paperwork, including your promissory note. Also, be sure to continue applying for scholarships. Each Saturday I post two to three scholarships you should be applying for.
5. Get Your Health Insurance Information
Your initial bill from your college will include a health insurance plan. If you are already covered by your parent’s plan, you can have this removed. But, your college will have to approve the health plan you have now and they may want so detailed information. Find out exactly what information your college will need and start obtaining that information for your current health insurance.
6. Open a Bank Account.
If you have not already done this, be sure to open a bank account soon. Ideally, open an account with a banking institution that will be near your campus. If not, make sure you will have online banking, be able to get cash and have access to emergency funds, if needed.
7. Have Final Scores Sent to Your New College
Make sure you know when your last AP scores will be released. Once they are released, you will need to make sure those AP scores are sent to your college. You will also need to arrange for your final high school transcript to be sent your college.
8. Verify Any Placement Tests Needed Before Registration
Most colleges require you to take certain placement tests based on your major. You need to find out which ones are required. Some of them may be able to be taken online and some will require you to register to take them at your college. Take these seriously because they will get you out of having to take some required courses, such as math or foreign language.
9. Schedule Registration
Find out when and how you register for fall classes. As a freshman, you are on the bottom of the totem poll and the last group to register. So the sooner you sign up for registration the better chances you will have of getting the classes you are hoping for. You also need to sign up for orientation.
Congratulations again, now go and make today your favorite day!!!
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