New seasons always have me wanting to do a little refresh in both my home and schedule and July is the perfect time for both!
Summer doesn’t really hit Southern California until July, so for me, this is the perfect time to start lightening everything up. So I plan on doing a little extra decluttering. This month’s simplicities calendar has several areas for you to declutter to help lighten things up. The good thing about decluttering this time of year is that you can easily make a few extra dollars with a yard sale.
31 Ways to Simplify and Declutter This Month
In this month’s ways to simplify you’ll also find lots of ideas for getting out and enjoying all that summer has to offer with family or friends.
Of course, there’s also an encouragement to slow down and just enjoy the lazy days of summer, whether it’s taking a nap, spending time alone, or working on a puzzle with someone you love, you’ll have a month filled with those things that matter most!
So be sure to download the free simplicities calendar for the month of July by clicking the image below. Print out the calendar and use it all month long.
If you missed June’s calendar you can find that here.
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1. Visit Someplace New
Finding ways to simplify your life and slow down should never be boring. In fact, life should be an adventure. Create your own adventue and visit someplace new. Whether it be a new town, a new restaurant or even a new grocery store make an adventure out of it today!
2. Organize a Problem Area
We all have them, that one spot in your home that’s a problem to keep clean and organized. Whether it’s a junk drawer or your entire garage today is the day to start tackling that spot.
After all, when things are disorganized we waste so much precious time looking for stuff. If you don’t already have them, purchase a couple of organizing trays or baskets and eliminate this problem area!
3. Buy Something New to Freshen Up Your Space
I am a firm believer that your home matters! It is the place I always recommend beginning your simplifying journey. If your home feels complicated and chaotic everything else in your life will feel the same. So investing in your home is so important.
Today do at least one little thing to freshen up your space. This can be something as simple as purchasing a new plant, adding a clean and fresh scented candle, adding a new throw pillow, or picking out a little summer sign to hang somewhere.
4. Watch Fireworks
Simplifying life is all about making space for celebrating life’s moments. Any excuse for a celebration is a good one! Getting everyone together to watch fireworks on the 4th of July will create wonderful memories. Find a fireworks show and sit and watch the beauty unfolding in the sky!
5. Take Your Child on a Date
We know it’s important to plan regular date nights with our spouse, but dating your child helps increase that bond as well. Whether you do an activity together, enjoy a meal, a trip to the ice cream store, or even a walk in the park, it will help strengthen the bond. When our relationships are strong everything feels so much easier.
6. Declutter Office/School Supplies
Back to School ads are already starting to pop up. However, even before you begin thinking of shopping for new supplies take inventory of what you’ve already got. Let go of any supplies your kids have outgrown or you have an excess of. Consider donating them to your local school, most teachers would be thrilled to have them!
7. Make a Weekly Meal Plan
Did you make your list of summer meals mentioned last month? Good job! Now let’s keep on top of it by making a weekly plan. Mealtimes are so much simpler when you know exactly what meals you have on hand.
8. Turn Up the Music While Doing Chores
Have you heard the saying music calms the savage beast? Well, let’s tackle those beastly cleaning chores with some pumping music. I promise, sometimes all you need to get motivated is good music.
It will make those chores go by faster and they’ll feel less painful!
9. Visit a Book Store
One of my favorite things about visiting a bookstore in the summertime is that they have amazing air conditioning. Really, it’s so nice and relaxing to wander around or pick out a comfy chair and peruse a few books while enjoying the cool air.
Everything about a book store just says stop and slow down. It frees your soul from the worries of the world. When you’re done life really does feel a little simpler.
10. Mail an I Was Thinking of You Gift
Admit it, it’s fun to get a surprise package in the mail. Surprise one of your favorite people with a little gift and let them know that you were thinking of them. I guarantee finding the perfect little something and wrapping it all nice and pretty makes you feel just as good as your recipient!
11. Unsubscribe From Email Lists
Most of us have very cluttered inboxes these days, (myself included). Much like we need to stop the influx of clutter in our homes, we need to stop the influx to our inboxes.
The best way to do this is to unsubscribe from 90 percent of the lists you’re on.
12. Go Camping
I’m gonna confess, I’m not a big camping person. The truth is I’d much rather stay in a hotel. However, I am glad for the times we went camping as a family. We created wonderful memories and always had a great time. Plus it really made me appreciate both my bed and my shower!!
13. Declutter the Kids’ Room
Okay, I know this is not exactly a simple task. Kids’ rooms are hard to declutter. They often take a little longer. But here’s the thing to remember, if your child’s room is cluttered there’s no way you are going to be able to keep it clean or tidy.
Tackling bigger tasks like this is often just about getting started. To make the job a little simpler break it down into smaller tasks. Begin with setting a timer for an allotted time and accomplish as much as possible within the time you’ve given yourself.
Do a little whenever time allows and remember you’re going for progress, not perfection.
14. Make a List of Back to School Supplies Needed
Hopefully, you got all those back to school supplies decluttered last Saturday. This will give you a better idea of what supplies your kids will actually need. Now make out a quick list of the essentials, including clothing and shoes.
As the ads for back to school start rolling in, make note of any sales that match your needs and jot the dates down. This will save you both time and money, who doesn’t want that!
15. Go to an Ice Cream Shop
Old fashioned ice cream shops aren’t easy to find anymore, however, there is something special about sitting in an actual ice cream shop and enjoying a sundae with the works. If you don’t have an ice cream shop near you, a diner that serves real milkshakes or sundaes is just as fun.
It is most certainly a simple pleasure of summer!
16. Do a Word Puzzle
Do you ever enjoy doing crossword puzzles or word searches and finds? Why not take today to stimulate your brain while relaxing with a good word puzzle book.
17. Spend 30 Minutes Alone
If you’re an introvert you know how vital this is. However, extroverts can benefit from alone time as well. When you have uninterrupted alone time you’re able to process your thoughts, make decisions on issues you may be struggling with and prioritize what’s most important.
18. Declare a News Free Day
I’m a little bit of a news junkie. I like to know what’s going on in the world, but man, more and more it’s very unsettling. And at times downright depressing. Give yourself a break from all the craziness in the world and just be present with your people. For today do not listen, watch or read the news.
19. Try Out a New Hiking Trail
I personally love going on hikes, it’s a great way to get some exercise, which naturally boosts your mood. It’s also a great way to get the kids outdoors and away from electronics.
We always find extra fun exploring new places, so look for a new place to hike today. You’ll have fun while also doing something to take care of yourself!
20. Declutter Your Computer Desktop
Has it been a while since you’ve seen a clear desktop? If so it’s time to do some computer decluttering. The first thing to do is delete old programs and apps you no longer use. Don’t just remove the shortcuts from your desktop, delete the program entirely from your hard drive.
Next, create files and categories to keep the remaining items on your desktop nice and organized. This will make it so much easier to find what you need quickly. Moritz Fine Designs has these awesome desktop organizational backgrounds. There are several designs to choose from and they are FREE!
If you want to go a little deeper and declutter your entire computer here are some good tips for cleaning up your digital clutter.
21. Create a Wellness Routine
I’ve said this before and I’m gonna say it again because it bears repeating. It is so important to take care of yourself! When you are not at your best physically life feels anything but simple. In fact, it feels very hard.
For this reason, to simplify your life, set up a wellness routine so that you’re regularly taking care of yourself! Simple Roots Wellness has an excellent article on how to create a wellness routine and what should be included in your routine. Check it out here.
22. Visit a Garden
There’s something about sitting in a beautiful garden that whispers “relax, it’s all gonna be okay”! There’s an instant calming and tranquil effect. Enjoy that feeling today by finding a beautiful garden near you to visit. If you’re not aware of any, just google “gardens near me”.
23. Get Your Nails Done
Summertime should be all about a little extra pampering. So my question is, what have you done to take care of yourself lately? If it’s been a while, spend the day treating yourself to a mani/pedi. You will feel relaxed and cared for when you do!
At a minimum treat yourself to some new nail polish. Here’s my favorite, this stuff really is a miracle.
24. Clean Out Your Car
I am always amazed at the random things I find in my car when I clean it out. Of course, this is partly because it’s usually months between cleanouts. But, when I do get around to it, it feels so good. Everything is nice and fresh!
If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned out your car, today’s the day. If you have older kids, bribe them with $5.00 to do it for you! You get a clean car and they earn a couple of dollars!
25. Take a Nap
In my book, the lazy days of summer mandate regular nap-taking. There’s something about a summer afternoon nap that’s almost magical. It truly is a fantastic way to simplify your day!
Even if you just lay down and close your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes, you’ll feel so refreshed afterward.
26. Have a Family Coloring Contest
A little family competition is always fun! And let’s face it, we all need to feel like a kid every now and then. Coloring is the perfect way to do just that!
You can either use a coloring book and crayons or if you’ve got a creative family everyone can draw and color their own picture. Afterward, the pictures can be judged and the winner gets a special treat!
27. Declutter ALL Manuals
I’m serious when I say ALL. These days almost everything you purchase comes with some type of manual and I promise you don’t need any of them. They are just creating clutter in your home. I hear you saying, yeah but what if something breaks or stops working. My answer — google it!
Every manual you have taking up precious space in your home is available online. Be honest, when is the last time you pulled out and looked at any of the manuals you have. Toss them all, you’ll never miss them.
28. Plan Out Your Goals For Next Month
If you’ve read any of the previous monthly ways to simplify then you know there are seven important areas in which I like to plan out monthly goals. They consist of my relationships, home environment or projects, health and fitness, my finances, career/business, spiritual growth, and self-care.
I encourage you each month to set a specific goal in each of these important areas. By doing this, you’ll be able to keep your focus where it’s most important and accomplish those things that matter most!
29. Remove an Item From Your To-Do List
Most of us have way more items on our to-do list than we have time to get them all done. This increases stress and makes us feel unaccomplished. There ain’t nothing simple about that. Instead, pick one (or more) and remove it from your to-do list.
30. Get Your Back to School Shopping Done
Most kids are going back to school in the next couple of weeks to 30 days. Avoid the back to school rush and get your back to school shopping done.
You should already have your list ready with the items you need and the stores that have the best deals. Even better yet, simplify back to school by shopping online! Chances are you’ll spend less and can use the time you would have spent shopping and enjoying a fun activity!
31. Write Down Your Most Memorable Event From The Month
Take just a few moments to reflect back on the month. This helps you focus on the positive and see how your efforts to simplify really are moving you closer toward those things that genuinely matter most.
There you have it, 31 ways to simplify in the month of July! Make sure to check back next month for more ways to simplify in August.
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