Look I am not against scoring an awesome deal on something you actually need, in fact, I’m all for it! However, camping out on the sidewalk for discounted microwaves during a pandemic or elbowing each other in the face for 50% off some Pajama pants and slippers — not so much.
If you’re trying to simplify your life Black Friday is dangerous! It’s far too easy to get caught up in the thrill of the hunt. To purchase things strictly because they’re on sale.
Plus it’s not so fun a few weeks later when you get your credit card bill. Or even a few months down the road, when you open your closet and see that sweater hanging there, never worn and the tags still attached. At that moment you realize it wasn’t such a good deal in the long run, was it?
12 Things to do on Black Friday Besides Shopping
To get the ideas flowing:
1. Write Out Holiday Cards
Instead of sending out a simple Merry Christmas, carry on the Thanksgiving gratitude and write a heartfelt thank you. Send these thank you cards to people who’ve helped you or let others know how thankful you are to have them in your life!
It will be nice to curl up with a cup of tea and a box of blank cards and think grateful thoughts. Think back over the past year and let people know how they have impacted your life. Then stick the cards in the mail Monday morning. Everybody loves receiving mail and you’re left with feelings of gratitude!
2. Schedule Downtime into December
This is a crazy busy time of year. We need to be intentional with scheduling downtime otherwise our calendars fill up with obligations leaving us no time to sit and savor the season.
So open up your calendar and make a few appointments with yourself to enjoy quiet nights at home. Schedule things like watching your favorite Christmas movie, taking a bubble bath under the glow of Christmas lights, or finally reading that book that’s been on your list all year long.
If you receive an invite for one of those nights, let them know you can’t make it because you have a prior engagement!
3. Play Board Games
Have everyone put down their screens, dust off one of those board games hiding in your closet, and spend some time together laughing and having fun!
4. Walk Down Memory Lane
Do you have family members visiting from out of town? Why not take them on a trip down memory lane. Pull out those old family photos. Laugh at everyone’s outfits. Marvel at how much your nephew looks like your uncle in his youth.
5. Get Crafty
Instead of buying a bunch of crap nobody really wants, make them something meaningful. It’s very relaxing to be creative and make something with your hands. It will be a gift that will mean so much more than anything you can buy. Here’s a huge list of 200 DIY presents to get the ideas flowing.
6. Take a Day Trip
If you’re feeling cooped up grab some Thanksgiving leftovers for snacks, turn on your favorite Spotify Playlist and pile everyone into the car. You don’t have to have a particular destination. Take the scenic route and stop at places that catch your eye. Or go visit that little town you haven’t seen in years.
7. Get Outdoors
If you prefer to stay local, visiting a park or hiking trail in your area is a great way to spend the day.
Go for a hike, throw the football around, or even a long walk around the neighborhood. It’s a wonderful way to work off that extra piece of the pumpkin pie and relax from all the busyness of the Holiday.
8. Make Blessing Bags
What I love most about Thanksgiving is that it’s a time to reflect on all the blessings we have. However, there are so many people who do not have those same blessings. You can help them out by putting together some blessing bags and include some water, non-perishable food items, small size toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, deodorant, socks, cleansing wipes, or any other items you would like to include.
Make enough to keep in the trunk of your car. When you are out and run into a person in need you can provide them with the blessing bag. You can also donate them to homeless shelters.
9. Rearrange Your House
If you hosted Thanksgiving chances are things got moved around to make room for extra guests. Even if you were the guest at someone else’s home, rearranging a few things in your home will give it a fresh feel. This is the perfect time to make your home feel nice and cozy for the winter months to come.
10. Clean Out Your Closet
You all know that decluttering is one of my absolute favorite things to do. This Black Friday, instead of shopping do the opposite. Let go of some of those things cluttering up your life!
A wonderful benefit of decluttering on Black Friday is you will discover exactly what you do need and know what you don’t need. This will prevent you from buying things you don’t need during the season and allow you to give your friends and family some great ideas of what you do need!
11. Decorate for Christmas
I love decorating for Christmas, it’s one of my favorite times of the year. Since for many, Black Friday marks the start of the Christmas season it’s the perfect day to pull out those Christmas decorations.
You don’t have to go all out. Keeping Christmas decorations minimal while still creating a festive atmosphere is the best! Choose your favorite decor items, ones that you love or have special meaning, and let go of the rest!
12. Plan Out the New Year
Why wait until January to make your plans for the new year? Black Friday is an excellent day to pull out your planner, pour yourself a cup of warm tea, and start dreaming of all the possibilities the new year holds!
This is also a great time to evaluate how the year went. Spend some time looking back on the things that worked well and what didn’t go as planned. Then look for ways to do more of what worked and less of what didn’t work in the coming year. Also, spend some time thinking about how to improve some of the things that didn’t work well.
By looking back on the year and having a plan for the new year you’re guaranteed to make room for those things that matter most!
Tips for Intentional Shopping on Black Friday
Now that we’ve gone through some things to do on Black Friday besides shopping, let me be honest with you and tell you for years I did do the Black Friday all-night shopping excursion. But it wasn’t so much about the deals as it was a tradition. It was something me and my sister did together each year, we had a great time hanging out and shopping all night long.
You may have the same traditions and not be ready to give them up. If that’s the case you very well may find yourself out at the stores on Black Friday.
So on that note, here are some things I want you to know about Black Friday shopping.
If you plan ahead and buy things you genuinely need or want, it’s a good way to save money. With a few intentional shopping tips, you will be able to do just. In fact, these three shopping tips go beyond Black Friday and are good to keep in mind all season long!
1. Stick to a list
If you want to take advantage of the sales, write a list of what you genuinely need and stick to it.
2. Know why you’re making the purchase
Before reaching the checkout counter look at your cart and determine why those items are in there. Do you really need it? Was it a planned purchase?
3. Ask yourself whether you are willing to pay the full price?
Don’t buy things just to save money! If it’s something you will never use, you didn’t save a penny. In fact, all you did was waste whatever money you spent.
The reality is if you are purchasing something you would not be willing to pay full price for it’s probably not something you really love or need.
Ultimately, simplifying your home and life is not about avoiding the shops altogether and I 100% understand the desire to take advantage of sales and discounts.
Just make sure that your shopping with intention. The last thing you want to do is buy things you don’t need.
Wherever you find yourself this Black Friday, I hope you’re doing something that fills you up!
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