I absolutely love this time of year! All the Holiday festivities and gathering with friends and loved ones really are the things that matter most. But if we’re not careful it’s easy to overschedule our calendars and overwhelm our life. To solve that problem, I’ve come up with 31 things you can do to simplify this month.
I hope it inspires you to slow down, simplify and make it your favorite holiday season yet!
Download the Calendar by clicking the image below, you’ll want to refer to it all month long!
In case you missed November’s calendar, which was filled with ways to simplify your gift-giving, you can grab that here.
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1. Order Your Planner For The New Year
Now is a good time to start thinking about ordering your new planner. I am a firm believer that failing to plan is one of the major things that complicate life. To simplify life make sure you’re regularly planning out your days.
All subscribers to the newsletter receive a free printable planner, you can sign up by clicking the image below.
If you prefer a pre-printed and bound planner, I highly recommend the Living Well Planner, it is seriously my favorite! I’ve used the planner, for the past several years. What I love about it, is that it has everything you need all in one spot. This includes monthly goal planning sheets, budgeting sheets, a place for meal planning, and of course keeping track of your schedule.
You can learn more about the Living Well Planner by clicking here.
2. Decorate for Christmas
If you haven’t already, decorate your home for Christmas! No need to go all out, a few little touches here and there will help you to appreciate the season and slow down just a bit.
Put up a Christmas tree. You can add a few Christmas pillows or a cozy throw in Christmas colors and hang a few lights around. I like to add a bit of garland and that’s it. It’s simple but very Christmasy!
I do always have some Christmas scented candles. These little things will help you Simplify in December, and still feel festive!
3. Donate Old Toys
If you’ve got kids, you’re almost guaranteed to get a new influx of toys. Now is the perfect time to make room for those toys.
I always found that my kids were much more receptive to getting rid of their older toys because they knew they would be getting a few new things. Also, decluttering the toys this time of year is a fantastic way to teach your kids the importance of helping others that have less.
4. Hang Mistletoe
When my kids were little it was always so fun to hang mistletoe around the house and force lots of extra kisses. It’s a super simple way to make many lasting memories.
5. Attend a Christmas Concert
Listening to Christmas music always puts me in a festive mood, but going out and watching a live Christmas concert just takes it up a notch. Many Churches put on free concerts this time of year!
Whether you choose a formal concert venue or get out and enjoy your local church choir, it’s a wonderful way to slow down and be present in the moment.
6. Watch a Favorite Christmas Movie
In my house, watching Elf constitutes the official start of the Christmas season and festivities. It is one of the traditions we have kept year after year. Even to this day, my kids feel like it’s just not Christmas time until we watch Elf.
Does your family have an all-time favorite Christmas movie? Make some popcorn, hot chocolate, and turn on that favorite Christmas movie!
7. Declutter Wrapping Supplies
This is not an area we generally think about decluttering, however, it will make your gift wrapping tasks so much easier. First, make sure you have a centralized location for all supplies.
Go through what you have and declutter and old and wrinkled scraps of wrapping paper. Next, do the same thing with ribbon and bows. Finally, go through any embellishments, for those items that are old or you know you won’t use, toss them.
Now that you have everything cleaned out it’s time to organize it all. I use a gift wrap storage container to keep all my wrapping supplies. It’s stores both wrapping paper and gift bags and makes it super easy to just grab and have everything all together. You can use simple zip lock bags to separate ribbons and other supplies.
Getting this area of your supplies decluttered and organized will feel great! It also makes wrapping quicker and more enjoyable.
8. Plan Your Holiday Menu
If you are hosting anything this holiday season, it helps to simplify when your menu is written out ahead of time. Even if you’re not hosting, it’s always fun to have a few special meals this time of year.
You can make a special Christmas breakfast or a Christmas-themed dinner, just to make the time a little more special. By having everything planned out ahead of time you’ll avoid last-minute trips to the store and be able to prepare some things ahead of time. This leaves you with more time for the people you love!
9. Sit with Just the Glow of Christmas Lights
There’s something so soothing about the soft glow of Christmas lights. It creates an instant feeling of warmth and calm.
Take the time to enjoy them by sitting with a favorite warm drink and soaking in the peace and quiet. It’s one of those things that will help you simplify in December.
10. Make Christmas Cookies
Cooking is normally not my thing, but Christmas is the one time of year I do enjoy baking. I think one of the reasons I enjoy baking Christmas cookies is that the whole family gets involved.
Even now that my kids are older they still have fun and want to cut out the cookie shapes and then proceed to make a mess decorating :). I don’t mind the mess because it means we’ve made some great memories.
11. Go Ice Skating
I live in southern California so ice skating only comes around once a year. There are all these little pop-up ice skating rinks around town and it’s loads of fun!
No matter where you live don some ice skates and just have fun.
12. Take a Bubble Bath with Only the Christmas Lights On
Life should be celebrated! I love taking every opportunity I can to do just that! How fun to make a special Christmas bath.
This was one of my kids’ favorite things to do when they were little. After they were asleep I added a few candles and enjoyed my own Christmas bubble bath.
Taking a few extra moments to sit in a warm bath is such a practical thing that will help you to simplify. After all simplifying life is all about making life feel special, it’s the little festive things that do just that!
13. Stay Home
This time of year it feels like we’re constantly on the go. I know that with so much going on it’s hard to take a day to just stay home. At the same time, it is one of the best things that will help you Simplify in December.
Instead of running around, stay home, and do any last-minute shopping online. Order delivery take-out so you don’t have to cook. Change up your routine and do life a whole lot slower for today!
It’s time to simplify your life and stop the busyness for the purpose of being busy. For today, take anything you’ve scheduled off your calendar and schedule nothing. Just stay home and enjoy the moments that come today!
14. Declutter Your Phone
Let’s face it, we all use our phones continuously throughout our day. All that use makes it easy to build up the clutter with outdated apps, downloads, messages, or all types and massive amounts of photos.
My question for you is when was the last time you sat down and decluttered your phone?
For most of us, myself included, it’s been a while. So today get rid of any unneeded apps, clear out your downloads folder and begin going through all those stored text messages.
As time permits, begin to tackle all those photos. Storing them on the cloud is the easiest way to keep them organized until you get the chance to print them off.
15. Dream Big
With the new year just a couple of weeks away, it’s the time of fresh beginnings where anything is possible. Now is a great time to focus on what it is you want to accomplish in the new year.
But here’s the thing, don’t be afraid to dream big. After all, the truth is the only thing holding you back from those big dreams is your willingness to go after them.
16. Send an Encouraging Text
Think of someone who is a blessing in your life and let them know what they mean to you. Not only will the one who receives the text be blessed, but so will you!
Whenever we take the time to encourage someone else, it naturally lifts our spirits and makes life feel a little more special!
17. Make a Donation
It’s the giving time of year why not make a donation to your favorite charity. By giving to others it helps us see how much we already have and increases our contentment. Plus it really will help you feel good knowing you’re helping someone who truly needs it.
If money is tight there are still ways to give. Consider donating your time.
Volunteering at an organization near and dear to your heart has the ability to make you feel like you’re the one being blessed.
18. Read The Christmas Story
With all the festivities and busyness it’s easy to forget what we are celebrating every Christmas. Take a few moments to just sit and read the Christmas story from Luke 2: 1-20. Better yet read it out loud to your family!
19. Finish Last-Minute Gift Wrapping
Christmas is less than a week away. This is a good day to make sure you’ve finished up any last-minute gift wrapping that needs to be done. By getting it done you’ll be able to enjoy the last few days of the season.
20. Go See Christmas Lights
Celebrating holidays is a big part of building a strong bond with the people you choose to celebrate with! Not only that, but they are a way to express what matters most to us!
Pack up your favorite people in the car and drive around looking at Christmas lights. Make it extra fun by having everyone get ready for bed first and then surprise them with a Christmas lights drive in their P.J.’s and slippers.
Fill a couple of travel mugs with hot chocolate and bring a couple of bags of popcorn for the ride. I promise it will create a great memory for everyone!
21. Declutter Your Computer
Much like our phones, we often forget to declutter our computers every now and then. Just like you did with your phone, clear off any unneeded apps, clear out your downloads folder and begin going through all those icons on your desktop. Also, make sure to delete your cache and history as well.
If you have a lot of photos stored on your computer try storing them in the cloud or organize them in files.
Having a nice cleaned-up desktop will feel great the next time you open your computer!
22. Write Down Top 3 Priorities for the New Year
As we get ready to approach the new year do you know what you want to focus on? What leaves us feeling overwhelmed is giving in to the urgent rather than working on the things that are important to us. To be more intentional in the new year make a list of your top 3 priorities. Keep it somewhere you will see each day and commit to scheduling time to work on those priorities.
Schedule that time in your planner. After all, the purpose of finding things that will help you Simplify in December is so that you have time for what matters most in your life. Here are some ways to help you make time for what matters most to YOU!
23. Drink Hot Chocolate
To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of hot chocolate it’s a little sweat for me. However, I usually end up having at least one cup during this time of year. There’s something about sipping it warm that makes it a simple little way to enjoy the season. Add whip cream and sprinkles. You’ll get an extra bonus if they’re red and green sprinkles!
24. Go to a Christmas Eve Service
If you don’t have plans with family, attending a candlelight Christmas Eve service at your local church is such a meaningful way to celebrate. Everything about this service just says slow and simple. If you’ve never been to one, you’ll be happy you went. It may even become a new tradition.
25. Celebrate With Loved Ones!
Merry Christmas!!
Today is the day to be 100% present with the ones you love. And remember how much you are loved by God, who sent His only son to be born on earth for you!
26. Avoid Processed Foods and Sugar
To be honest I have a huge sweet tooth. Seriously, the only reason I eat dinner is that I can have dessert! Of course, my love for sweets means I tend to overindulge in all the holiday goodies.
If you’re at all like me, do a little fast today. Just for today, commit to avoiding all processed and sugary food. It’s one day, you can do this. Just remind yourself, you’ll feel so much better!
27. Watch the Sunrise
I’m definitely more of a sunset girl, but I try to get up early enough to watch the sunset every now and then. When I do, it’s always captivating. While you’re watching, everything just kind of stands still.
Force yourself out of bed to watch the sunset, I promise you’ll be glad you did. It really is the perfect way to start your day.
28. Start a Decluttering Basket
If you’re not sure what a decluttering basket is, it’s basically a cute decorative basket that I keep near the front door. As I’m finding items that need to be decluttered I place them in the basket. When the basket is full I donate the contents.
This time of year it’s hard to declutter because Christmas usually means an influx of new stuff. However, while you’re figuring out where all that new stuff goes, pick out at least one thing that you can declutter and put in the basket.
If you do this for each new item that came into your home, you’ll be amazed at how much you’re able to declutter this way. Once the basket is full, donate the contents.
29. Evaluate The Year
With the year quickly coming to a close, this is an excellent time to evaluate how the year went. To do this think about what worked well and what didn’t quite go as planned. Then look for ways to do more of what worked and less of what didn’t work in the coming year. Also, spend some time thinking about how to improve some of the things that didn’t work well.
By looking back on the year and having a plan for the new year you’re guaranteed to make room for those things that matters most.
30. Write Down The Top 3 Blessings From The Year
Hopefully, you spent some time yesterday reflecting back on the month. Now I want you to focus on three blessings you received this year. This will keep your focus positive and show exactly how your efforts to simplify are paying off!
31. Celebrate The New Year!
December is filled with opportunities to celebrate, I hope you’re taking full advantage and celebrating at every opportunity.
If you love getting dressed up and going out this is the day to do it! But if you happen to be more of a homebody you can still celebrate and make the most of the coming new year.
Here’s to a simple new year filled with the things that matter most!!
So there you have it, 31 delightful ways to simplify your life this fall. Challenge yourself to try them all!
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