My friend, on the other hand, seemed to be feeling stuck in many of the same patterns from those days gone by. As we continued catching up it was a story I’d heard often. She had made attempt after attempt to simplify and make changes. However, somehow she always found herself right back where she started.
It didn’t take long to realize why. You see my friend was feeling stuck in life because she failed to set any real actionable goals for herself.
Chances are if you’re feeling stuck in your own life, just like my old friend, it’s time for you to start setting some goals you can immediately take action on.
Too many people live life just kind of going through the motions without any clear direction. Or they have big dreams but don’t know how to make them a reality. You deserve so much more than this!
5 Things To Do When Feeling Stuck
When you’re feeling stuck, setting goals can dramatically change your life. Goals give you direction.
And here’s the thing, when you start working on your goals, it gives you the momentum you need to continue moving forward. Setting goals is a powerful way to move past feeling stuck. Soon you’ll turn your dreams into reality.
To stop feeling stuck in life, try working on these goals you can easily accomplish in the next 30 days or less.
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1. Be Purposeful When Saying Yes
When someone specifically asks for help I have a really hard time saying no. As a result, I find myself saying yes when I really needed to say no.
You see, as you work to simplify your life you need to know that every time you say yes to one thing, it means you say no to something else. Often that something else, is one of those things that matter most.
If you’re feeling stuck in life because you can’t seem to find the time for those things you really want to do, it’s time to be more purposeful with what you say yes to.
One of the things that will help you achieve this goal is reminding yourself that it’s not your responsibility to be all things to all people. We all have a limited amount of time and frankly, time is the most important asset we have. When we spend our time, that’s it, we don’t get any more.
Because time is your greatest asset, it’s important to learn to say no, so you can say yes to what matters most.
So pick one thing that you’ve been saying yes to, that’s interfering with what you really want to be doing. Now change that yes to a no! You’ll be happy you did!
2. Delegate Tasks More Often
If you’re like me in struggling with saying “yes” too much, chances are you also struggle with delegating tasks.
When we try to do too much by ourselves, life becomes overwhelming. We drain our energy and patience. This leaves our attitude in need of some serious work.
But, have you heard the saying “many hands make light work”? Well, it’s a good one!
I know it’s not always easy to ask for help, but I promise, that delegating tasks will have a major impact when you’re feeling stuck in life.
Start by delegating tasks that can be done by someone else. As you do, things begin to feel so much simpler and lighter.
If you do struggle with asking for help, begin by delegating just one task. Are your kids old enough to help with the laundry? Or consider hiring a mother’s helper for a few hours a week. If that’s not in the budget, trade play dates with a friend once a week so that you can get things done.
When you’re feeling stuck in life, commit to delegating one task. As you do, you’ll feel the weight being lifted as you see you really can accomplish your goals.
3. Set Priorities To Stop Feeling Stuck in Life
Now that you’ve been more intentional with what you are saying yes to and delegated those things you don’t need to do yourself, you have some extra time. The next step to stop feeling stuck in life is to make sure the things you are spending time on, line up with your priorities.
For the longest time, I lived life by the tyranny of the urgent. I was focusing only on what needed to be done at that moment. However, to stop feeling stuck in life it’s essential to take control and use your time intentionally.
And learning to prioritize what’s most important, is the key to moving past feeling stuck in life. You see, when you set out your priorities, you know if it’s not a priority for you, you don’t need to spend time doing it!
Setting out your priorities is a simple goal that will allow you to focus on what really matters in the day-to-day moments that make up life. The end result is that you’ve taken control and no longer feel stuck in life.
If you’re unsure of what your life priorities are, here is a list of some questions to ask yourself when trying to determine your core values.
4. Plan For What You Want to Do
There are so many things competing for our time that if you don’t plan to spend time doing things you enjoy, other things will always take precedence.
You see without a general flow to our days it’s so easy for time to slip away. Before you know it, the day is gone and the things that matter most remain undone. This is what causes feeling stuck in life.
However, with a basic daily routine, we can set priorities and accomplish our goals. Why? Because those must-dos that distract us are set on autopilot!
Routines allow us to take charge of our time and stop feeling stuck in life. For example, if what’s important is having free time with your kids when they come home from school, a morning routine allows you to do what needs to be done so your afternoon is freed up.
Start by setting up a routine for those must-do’s. Make a list of all the things that must be done each week. Simple is best. You don’t need to be super-specific.
Next, choose a general time when you’ll accomplish those tasks. Personally, I like to use themes for each day. For instance, I clean the bedrooms on Tuesday and the kitchen on Thursday. This allows me to split up those must-do tasks so I’m not trying to do it all in one day, which never works.
Once your routines are in place post your schedule so you see it. If you need some inspiration you can get access to my exact cleaning schedule here.
You may also want to check out these posts on the importance of having a routine, how to set up a routine, and how to stick to your routine.
5. Set Aside Regular Time For Self Care
As women, it is so common for us to put ourselves last. We’re under the false assumption that caring for us is selfish. We easily buy into the lie that we need to spend our time taking care of others and not ourselves.
However, the problem is that if we’re not caring for ourselves there’s literally no way we can properly care for others. We can only give what we have and if we have nothing for ourselves soon we have nothing to give to others.
So now let me tell you the truth. You deserve to be cared for! Plus, it’s also true that your family and loved ones deserve to have a happy and content mom, wife, or friend caring for them.
If you’re feeling stuck in your life, it’s time for a little self-care. You don’t need elaborate spa days, a few simple things that feed your soul are all you need.
Call a Friend
In this digital age, we forget that actually picking up the phone and having a voice conversation has many benefits. When you’re feeling stuck in life, somehow a long talk with a good friend can change everything.
Go for that Walk
An early morning walk leaves you refreshed and ready to tackle the day. Morning walks are a wonderful opportunity to spend some time reflecting and thinking about why you’re feeling stuck in life.
An important part of self-care is having positive relationships. Scheduling an evening walk with family or an afternoon walk with a friend will have a positive impact on those relationships.
Declutter Something
Your environment has a big impact on how you feel. Simplify your home environment by decluttering an area of your home that’s creating some stress. It will feel so good to have a clear space.
When things around you are clear, you will be able to think more clearly and stop feeling stuck in life.
Stay Hydrated
We all know it’s important to hydrate well. It actually increases your energy and makes you feel like you’re taking care of yourself.
If you don’t have one, get yourself a favorite water bottle and start carrying it with you. It makes drinking water throughout the day easy.
Set Up A Regular Quiet Time
This simple practice makes all the difference in my day. Starting your day with a quiet moment of peace and reflecting on what matters most, keeps your priorities at the forefront of your mind as you go through the ups and downs of the day.
Starting my day in the Word and prayer brings clarity in the direction I want my day to go. It is my number one go-to when I’m feeling stuck in life.
Keep things simple. Set a few realistic goals that are realistic and easily attainable. Choose yourself by taking small steps that will lead you toward the life you want.
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