Here’s the thing, we don’t always get to choose the people around us. Sometimes there are people that you’re stuck having to deal with. Whether it is a family member or a co-worker, you can’t just remove them from your life.
But you can prevent them from robbing you of your own joy.
How To Stay Positive Around Negative People
For many years I worked with an individual who was, well let’s just say difficult would be an extreme understatement. He had a well-earned reputation for being a screamer and all-around difficult person.
I had to learn how to maintain a positive outlook while listening to someone screaming pretty much all day long. Here are some of the key tools I learned to apply.
1. Deal With Them With Compassion
The reality is, negative angry people are miserable. They are unhappy with their own lives and they don’t even like themselves. Reminding yourself of this truth will help you approach them with compassion.
Because you’re dealing with a person who has a lot of internal pain and struggle, take the time to ask them how they are. Treat them with kindness despite their actions. Show them you are interested in them.
Believe it or not, this will have a calming effect. No, it probably will not change them, but it will have an effect on the way that they approach you.
2. Do Not Engage in the Negativity
Turning the conversation around to something positive is a great way to deal with a negative person. If the negative person is complaining about something, point out the positive side to them.
You can also just listen without commenting. When you get the chance just change the subject to something positive.
If you have to listen to someone complain about their neighbor’s barking dog, simply respond, “yes that would be hard, but now that the weather is cooling down, you will be able to go out for a walk.”
The goal is to deflect negativity by maintaining your own positive outlook.
3. Find Something Positive to Focus On
Everyone has some redeeming quality. Look for it, and focus on it.
Granted with some people it may be really difficult to find that redeeming quality. You may have to look really hard, but, if nothing else they are created in the image of God, that alone is a redeeming quality.
4. Stay Positive Around Negative People By Being An Example
When you are able to respond positively to negative circumstances, realize that your positivity can be contagious.
Seek to be an instrument of peace. When you make your own commitment to choose joy despite your circumstances, you will be an encourager to those around you.
5. Have an Attitude of Gratitude
Focus on the positive things in your own life. Remain grateful for what is going well. Recount all of the blessings in your own life, both big and small.
6. Go Out of Your Way To Do Something Kind
This one can also be tough, but also very effective.
When you go out of your way to do something for someone who is not treating you very kindly, it will change your entire perspective. Ephesians 4:31-32 tells us to put away bitterness and anger by being kind and tenderhearted toward one another.
When you choose to be kind to the negative person, you will remove any bitterness or anger from your own heart. It is pretty much impossible to do something kind for someone and get caught up in their own negativity.
Remember you have made the choice to be a kind and positive person. You are in total control. You do not need to let others control how you respond. If you are committed to being kind and positive do so no matter how someone else behaves.
E says
Thank you. I work in an environment that is emotionally draining. I try to stay positive around people that make a point try to belittle judge and criticize. I pray to God all day for strength and your advice will be helpful. 😘
KristalMarie says
Eva, I am so glad you found it helpful. I worked in the same type of environment for many years and it is hard, but these things do help. Hang in there and stay positive until you can make a change!