I firmly believe that living a healthy lifestyle is a key component to simplifying your life. But sometimes we complicate it with all the latest diet and exercise fads. There’s the keto diet, the no carbs diet, the 30-day whole diet. I could write an entire post just listing the various and latest diets that are supposed to keep us healthy.
All of these latest fads is what makes it so easy to get off track with a healthy lifestyle. But getting off track isn’t the end of the world. You can get right back on. The key is to make choices that will allow you to simplify a healthy lifestyle.
When it comes down to it, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is about incorporating these 6 choices into your regular lifestyle:
Prioritize a Good Clean Diet
The health benefits of eating whole fresh foods have been well documented. People whose diets incorporate a healthy serving of fresh vegetables, olive oil, fish, whole grains, and fruit are at lower risk for heart disease and cancer, the two leading causes of death in the United States.
Not only are they physically healthier, but they are also less likely to suffer from depression and mental illness.
You don’t need a complicated diet with rules and restrictions. All you need to simplify a healthy lifestyle is a diet that emphasizes plant-based foods. That’s it! Honestly, it doesn’t get much simpler than that.
This does not mean you have to give up all other foods, having a pizza now and again is fine. It’s about creating habits where your primary diet is based on fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, and whole grains.
Yes, you’ll have imperfect days, but as long as you’ve created habits, it becomes a lifestyle and the occasional imperfect days won’t stop you.
Get Regular Exercise
A key to a healthy lifestyle is about 30 minutes of exercise three to five times a week. You don’t need fancy exercise equipment or intense workout classes. Nor do you have to work out for two hours and eat a salad every day.
It’s simply about moving your body on a regular basis. Whether you work out at a gym or simply walk around your neighborhood doesn’t matter. The only thing that does matter is making regular exercise a part of your lifestyle.
I realize that it can be hard to establish exercise routines if it’s been a while since you’ve exercised. However, just do what you can. Little steps every day is better than nothing at all.
So don’t feel bad if you only get five minutes of stretching in, that’s something! And remember, some days you can do more than others!
Have Consistent Downtime
Diet and exercise are not the only factors to simplify a healthy living lifestyle. Having regular times of rest is equally as important.
In fact, having consistent downtime is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy. Medical research confirms one of the greatest killers is stress. Taking a break from work and routines and putting away your to-do list is a way to de-stress.
Make it a point to have consistent time with family and friends, go to the beach, or go on a hike. The point is to relax and rejuvenate.
When you make this a part of your lifestyle you’ll actually find that by taking time off from your normal work activities, you’re able to do so much more. This is because rest and downtime simplify both your physical and mental health.
Keep Your Faith Strong
Keeping your faith strong is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. According to research, people of faith have better health, both physically and mentally, and live longer than atheists.
One of the benefits of having a strong faith and religious practice, particularly involvement in a church, is that people cope better with the normal stresses of life.
In general, they cope with stress better, they experience greater well-being because they have more hope, they’re more optimistic, they experience less depression and less anxiety. The bottom line is that people who pray and go to church are healthier.
So if you want to simplify a healthier lifestyle, go to church each week, and know you’re doing something to improve your health!!
Keep a Positive Attitude
Our minds are so powerful, it always amazes me. It’s incredible how what happens in the brain (our thoughts) completely influences, what happens in our body. Studies have shown an indisputable link between having a positive outlook and health benefits. Your blood pressure, your risk for heart disease, and even weight can be controlled by your brain.
You’re able to cultivate a healthy lifestyle just by having a good outlook on life.
Some people are natural optimists and others struggle with pessimism. But you can learn to cultivate a positive mindset. If you struggle with having a positive attitude this post on 7 Simple Habits That Will Make You A More Positive Person is an excellent resource.
Also, keep visual reminders by printing out positive quotes you come across. It’s helpful to surround yourself with positive people. Positivity is contagious!!
Another helpful practice is to write down at least one thing you are grateful for each day. You’ll be amazed at how quickly this practice can cultivate a positive attitude.
Cultivating an optimistic attitude is a sure-fire way to simplify a healthy lifestyle.
Keep Strong Connections With Others
Having a network of relationships and friends to share life with is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
We were not created to do life alone, in fact, we were designed for an active social life. Social connections can lower stress and have a positive impact on a person’s outlook.
Avoiding isolation and depression is important for staying healthy. In fact, social interaction is essential to every aspect of our health.
Even science agrees, that having a strong network of support or strong community bonds fosters both emotional and physical health and is an important component of a simplified healthy lifestyle.
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