Our culture is defined by bigger, faster, and more. This makes simplifying your life a challenge. So we can all use a little help when it comes to finding ways to simplify. These 30 simple living quotes may be just what you need to inspire and motivate you to simplify today.
After all, words are very powerful.
Simple Living Quotes That Will Motivate and Inspire You
“Declutter your mind, your heart, your home. Let go of the heaviness that is weighing you down. Make your life simple, but significant.” –Maria Defillo
Change starts from within. Whenever you hold on to clutter, whether physical mental, or emotional it complicates life. Simple living is all about letting go of what is no longer serving you.
“There is beauty in simplicity” – Unknown
When your life is full of details and busyness the beauty of the simple things in life gets lost in all the details. This simple living quote is all about inspiring and motivating you to uncomplicate your life.
“I feel like I should want more, but I don’t. I want less. Less stuff, less rushing, less stress, less noise. I want simplicity.” -Brooke Hampton
Our culture tells us to want more and more and never be satisfied. But when you choose to simplify your life, you see how less becomes more. You experience the joys of life when you stop seeking more and choose to simplify.
“Achieving simplicity in your life starts with the simple notion that you are in control. You steer the rudder, flip the switch, pull the lever, call the shots, and have the power within you to make your life simpler.” – Jeff Davidson
You do not have to give in to society’s call to be striving constantly. This is your one and only chance at life here on earth. You get to choose how you will live it. Will you choose to be constantly striving or will you choose to make your life simpler and enjoy it for all it is?
“Make room for what matters…. let go of what doesn’t. It’s that simple.” – Robert Tew
It’s human nature to complicate things. However, deciding to make space in your life for the things that matter most to you is really just about letting go of those things that don’t matter.
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” -Robert Brault
When we are continually on the go or focus on the next big thing, we miss the little things. The truth is, it’s those little ordinary moments that make up the big picture of life. Simple living is all about creating space to enjoy all of life right now, where you are.
“There is always a simplicity about the present moment.” – Eckhart Tolle
The present moment — here and now — this is your life. Don’t let the past distract you or worry about the future. Lean into all you have right now!
“It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.” – Paulo Coelho
Let this simple living quote inspire you to pay attention to the simple beautiful things in your life right now. It truly is extraordinary the way your body breaths without thought, the feel of a cool breeze on a summer day, and the sound of your children laughing.
“It is always the simple that produces the marvelous.” – Amelia Barr
The more complex something is the more complicated it is. Simplicity is the key to producing a marvelous life.
“When I stopped trying to do it all, I was able to give the best parts of myself to the things that matter most.” – Rachelle Crawford
We are all human, which means we all have limitations. No one can do it all. When you let go of the things that don’t matter there is more of you to give to what matters most!
“Subtracting from your list of priorities is as important as adding to it.” – Frank Sonnenberg
Everything can’t be a priority. If we try to make everything important nothing becomes important because everything is on equal footing. Simplifying requires choosing what matters most and removing the things that don’t from your priorities.
“The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.” – Yiddish Proverb
True wealth is not determined by the size of your bank account or the number of possessions you own. If you are continuously striving for those things and never have time to enjoy what do they matter? On the other hand, when you are content and satisfied with what you have, you have all you need.
“My goal is no longer to get more done, but rather to have less to do.” – Francine Jay
Our society is all about productivity, getting more and more done. But simplicity is not about focusing on how productive we can be. Instead of all the stress created by seeking to produce more and more we simplify by having less to do. When we do we are able to truly enjoy the things we are doing.
“Simplifying lets us slow down enough to savor this life.” -Emily Ley
When we are so busy seeking more and more, we miss the life we have right now.
“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.” – Lin Yutang
There are 24 hours in a day that’s it. We need to be watchful of our time. This means not wasting it on menial and unimportant tasks.
“The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” – Socrates
Far too often we think that more will make us happier. However, we are better off enjoying less but enjoying those things more.
“Simplification is not just about taking things away. It is about making room, creating space in your life, your intentions and your heart.” – Kim John Payne
Simple living is not about having less for the sake of having less, rather it’s about creating space to be able to enjoy what we have more.
“The more you have, the more you are occupied. The less you have, the more free you are.” – Mother Teresa
Everything we own takes some amount of our time and resources. We are occupied with caring for, storing, and/or maintaining all that stuff. The less we have the more time we free up in our life.
“Here is the secret to subtraction. It doesn’t matter what you remove. What matters is that you stop adding it back.” – Erin Loechner
There is no rule that dictates what you allow in your life. When simplifying and removing what does not serve you, be mindful that you don’t undo that work by allowing those things back in.
“The simplest things are overlooked. And yet, it is the simplest things that are the most essential” – Thomas Lloyd Qualls
In our quest for the next big thing, it’s easy to overlook what is right in front of you, the simple things that make up everyday life. And it is those things that are most valuable.
“The call to simplicity and freedom is a reminder that our worth comes not from the amount of our involvements, achievements, or possessions, but from the depth and care which we bring to each moment, place, and person in our lives.” – Richard A. Bower
It’s not about what we have that matters, the true worth of our life comes from the people and connections we have.
“We’ve been oversold the value of more and undersold the value of less.” – Greg McKeown
We are conditioned to acquire and consume more and more. People use what they have to evaluate their worth. When we do this it becomes difficult to distinguish between what is essential and what’s not. Soon everything seems important and the result is nothing is important.
“Society says you need lots of stuff to be happy. They are wrong.” – Joshua Becker
Money and possessions are not what make us happy. It is appreciating the simple things in life that create our happiness. The less stuff we have the more we are able to appreciate those little things.
“Simplicity is much easier to stick with when you focus on the more, not the less. You may have fewer items of clothing in your closet, but you have more space, more time to enjoy your morning, more opportunity to wear your favorite clothes. It’s not just a change in environment; it’s a change in mindset.” – Courtney Carver
Because we are trained to see more as better, it’s hard to make the mindset shift to seeing less as being better.
“The best things in life aren’t things.”
Nobody reaches the end of their life and wishes they had more time with their things. It is the experiences and the people we share them with that give meaning to life.
“I begin to learn to allow things to happen as they are, rather than how I want them to be. I begin to learn, quite simply, the art of peace.” -Erin Loechner
Simple living is not about striving to remove all complexity from life, that is an impossible standard. It’s about living your life in accordance with your values and priorities, this is what brings peace.
“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” – Hans Hofmann
Simple living is ultimately about removing the unnecessary so that we have room in our lives for what is necessary.
“So much of what we take in is bigger, better, and more. But for some of us -small, simple, and quiet are all we need. It’s okay to be happy with a calm life.” – Erica Layne
In case you need permission – this quote is for you! It is okay to live a small, simple, and quiet life. You do not always have to be striving and achieving.
“It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder
It’s the sweet, simple things and not the spectacular that we all long for. Family meals together, your children’s laughter, a beautiful sunset, your favorite song on the radio, or coffee with a good friend.
“Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.” – Mandy Hale
I want to leave you with this quote to inspire and motivate you. What are you doing right now to be purposeful with your life? Are you choosing the direction your life is going in or are you just going through the motions? This is your life – don’t settle.
[…] Eckhart Tolle said, “There is always a simplicity about the present moment.” The present moment — here and now — this is your […]