A while back I had set a pretty big career goal. I was working really hard on making this thing happen. The best part was, I was actually starting to see some success.
One evening I was sharing my progress with my family and to my surprise, they were rather indifferent. My son offered an obligatory “that’s nice, mom”, and then changed the subject.
Their indifference made me realize something was wrong. The truth is, I’d been working so hard on the big goal that I was ignoring my simple life goals.
In fact, I was letting the little things fall through the cracks. And well, those little things were the important things. I was losing sight of the direction I wanted to go in.
Why You Should Set Life Goals
I’ve always believed, and still do, that the key to staying on track is setting goals. There’s no question that having regular goals is what allows us to move forward in life. They give us a clear sense of direction to go in.
Goals help you put into perspective what areas need more attention or what could be done differently.
But it’s not just about setting goals.
After all, how often do you set goals in January? They start off great and maybe February’s actually pretty good too! By March… well life has a way of taking over and you find yourself struggling to even remember what those goals were.
You see the trick is to set the right goals.
We all need to set simple life goals, which are absolutely important and essential to moving your life in the direction you want to go. These are those goals that keep you focused on the important things. I’m talking about those things that make life worth living.
This is where I was failing. I wasn’t being purposeful in setting specific simple life goals in those areas that truly matter the most.
6 Life Goals You Should Be Setting
Today I still pursue my big goals, but I also make sure that I’m setting monthly goals in each of these essential areas of life:
1. For Your Relationships
When it comes to determining what matters most in your life, relationships should always top the list. After all, it is your relationships that make life worth living.
At the same time, relationships can be hard. We think differently, we communicate differently and we react differently, all of these differences can make things messy and complicated. Let’s face it, when our relationships are out of whack everything feels off.
This is why we need to be intentional in this area.
Now let me ask you, how often do you set simple life goals for these important relationships in your life? If you answered never or rarely that’s okay, most of us don’t. I know I wasn’t.
But we should! By setting regular goals for connecting in your relationships you’ll keep focusing on exactly what matters most.
These goals don’t need to be big and complicated, in fact, I urge you to keep them simple. The point is to help you focus on those key relationships that make your life worth living.
It can be something as simple as calling or even texting that friend you know you need to connect with. Planning a special date night by calling a babysitter and making all the arrangements.
Make a plan for one on one time with each of your kiddos at least once a month. Again keep it simple, anything grabbing a donut or going out for frozen yogurt to taking a walk together and just listening to them.
Be intentional in setting simple life goals for your important relationships.
2. Goals Focused On Your Home Environment
Next, to your relationships, your home environment actually has the biggest impact on you.
There’s a reason we want our home to feel like a refuge from all the normal stressors of the outside world. It should be a place we come to relax and recharge. A place we feel at peace surrounded by who and what we love.
This kind of home takes intention and purpose.
Despite all that we have to gain, rarely do we set specific goals for improving our home environment. Instead, we wonder why our home feels chaotic and is filled with clutter and laundry piles instead of feeling relaxing and peaceful.
But your home is far too important to allow this to happen. All it takes is some intentionality. I want to challenge you to start setting specific and simple goals for your home each week.
Again I’m not talking about a huge makeover of your entire living room kind of goals. Just little steps that will help you make your home a place you love. Here are some of my favorite ways to Have a Home You Love!
My home goal for this week is simply to pull the weeds in the backyard, anything but fun and sexy right. But the weeds have become overgrown and feel like clutter. I walk in the back and the first thing I notice is the weeds.
Because I’ve made a specific goal, I will set aside some time this week to work in the yard. It won’t take long, especially if I bribe my kids into helping.
This goal is simple and small but it reminds me my home is important and I’ll feel so much happier when I walk in the backyard.
When you’re setting simple life goals, make sure to include your home environment!
3. For Your Health & Fitness
Life feels anything but simple when our health is bad. It’s so important to do something regularly to take care of your health. This should never be a goal that’s set at the beginning of the year and then forgotten about, you are far too important!
By having weekly goals in this area you’ll stay focused on what matters most, which is you. If you set a goal to get in shape or go to the gym at the beginning of the year and it has fallen by the wayside it’s not too late.
But instead of a big goal to lose a certain number of pounds something simple like going for a walk three times or buying and preparing your favorite fruit and veggie to snack on this week, is more effective.
Even things like getting to bed by a certain hour three nights this week. When you set simple life goals for your health you can reset that same goal as often as you need to.
If you’re in a place right now where your health is not at its best, use it as a catalyst to simplify your life. I don’t need to tell you that stress is incredibly harmful to your health.
In fact, your health is so important that the health and wellness industry is huge. It’s literally a trillion-dollar industry. But really setting regular goals will help you avoid being part of that trillion dollars in spending.
Set simple life goals to eat right, limit junk food, get your body moving, and use natural products when possible. All of this will go a long way to keeping you healthy.
Just be realistic and focus on one thing at a time. The point is to simplify and set one goal each week to better your health, trust me you really are worth it!
4. Set Financial Goals
Much like our health, when our finances are out of control, everything feels out of control.
In fact, one of the leading causes of stress in relationships is finances. The best way to conquer this is to simply make a plan. Being in control of your finances is absolutely one simple life goal you need to set on a regular basis.
You want to tell your money where to go, rather than the other way around. So what can you do to be intentional in this area?
If you don’t have a budget, this is an excellent goal to start with. What about an emergency fund? Do you have a plan for paying off any debt?
By setting regular financial goals, you’ll stay on top of your finances. This, of course, eliminates a ton of stress and allows you to plan for special experiences with your people!
If you want a few more ideas for setting goals in this area here are some easy ways to Declutter Your Finances.
5. Goals Centered Around Your Spiritual Life
Making sure that my relationship with the Lord is thriving and growing is so important to my day to day life. When this relationship is neglected or waining it affects everything. This is because my relationship with Jesus is at the center of who I am and dictates the way I want to live my life. For this reason, I set weekly goals for my spiritual growth.
Really, no matter what your belief is, setting simple life goals for your spiritual and/or personal growth is important.
Every one of us has an area of life we want to grow in. If you’re not sure, think about ways you can slow down, be more present or appreciate all that you have. Can you start a gratitude journal or start meditating. How about committing to reading more.
Spend some time really thinking this through and start setting weekly goals to grow in this area.
6. Goals For Self-Care
The busier we are are easier it is to neglect self-care. But here’s the thing, there is no way you can fill up others and have strong relations if you never take time to care for yourself.
Self-care makes you feel renewed and motivated and at your very best. Don’t you think the people you love, your people, deserve the best you can give them? Then you’ve got to make sure you’re setting simple life goals in the area of self-care.
One more time I’m gonna tell you these do not need to be big elaborate weekend spa getaway goals. (Hey, that’s not to say they can’t be if it’s in the budget!) But really it’s as simple as planning at least one thing that you will do every week just for you!
Whether it’s going out and getting your hair and nails done or spending 20 minutes sipping your favorite drink while reading a new book, the point is to do something for you.
Self-care is an essential element of simplifying your life, why not start today!
Transform Your Life By Setting Your Life Goals Today
Let’s start being purposeful in setting specific goals in those areas of life that truly matter the most.
Continue to pursue your big goals, just make sure you’re pursuing what matters most be setting regular simple life goals in each of these essential areas.
P.S. I would love to hear about the simple life goals you’re setting.
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