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I want to share with you some resources that I love and that I believe might be really helpful for you. I will update this page from time to time as I come across resources that I think may be helpful to you.
Resources For Simple Living
Chasing Slow: Courage to Journey Off the Beaten Path by Erin Loechner
There is something about reading this book that just makes you feel as if all of life has slowed down just a little. Erin’s writing style is so gentle and soothing. I found the book very inspiring! I love the comment she makes that chasing slow is still a chase. But I think my favorite quote is: “I use to think the opposite of control is chaos, but it’s not, the opposite of control is surrender”
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown
This book literally changed my life. There are so many powerful messages in this book that it is impossible to narrow them down. If you want to learn how to focus on what is important, and how to get the right things done you must read this book. One of my favorite quotes from the book, “If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will”. Don’t let someone else prioritize your life, read this book. It is one I will read again and again.

The More of Less: Finding the life you want under everything you own by Joshua Becker.
In case you don’t know, Joshua Becker is the author of the blog Becoming Minimalist. I found his latest book, The More of Less, to be impactful and practical. The book is a really easy read and a great guide for getting started on living the life you want through minimalism and simple living. I would love to hear if you enjoyed the book as much as I did.

Unstuffed: Decluttering your home, mind and soul by Ruth Soukup.
I love Ruth Soukup and her blog Living Well Spending Less. She is such a gifted teacher and writer. This book is incredibly motivating, practical and inspiring. In Unstuffed, she does not stop at decluttering your physical possessions, she goes on to discuss cutting back on our schedules, unstuffing our lives to drastically improve our overall wellness of life. Ruth does not disappoint in this book, I think anyone looking to unstuff their lives will be motivated and encourage through this book.

31 Days to a Clutter Free Life by Ruth Soukup.
If you are wondering where to get started on decluttering your space, this is a great resource. This book is very practical and well laid out. There are detailed steps to help you stay on track. You can order a copy here.
Kindle Paperwhite
I love reading books on my kindle. I can get instant access to the book I want to read and there are many free books available. Even our local library has an e-book section. A cool thing about the Paperwhite is that is has a reading light so that you can read anywhere without a light, and not worry about harming your eyes. Of course, my favorite feature of the kindle is that it helps avoid clutter, by keeping your books digital.
Kindle Unlimited Subscription.
If you are an avid reader I highly recommend a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. Kindle Unlimited is a subscription service that gives you access to more than one million titles and thousands of audiobooks. It can be used on any device, and the recipient does not need to have a kindle. Many of the books recommended in this guide are available to read for free with a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. You can even get a free 30 day trial by clicking here.
If you want to reduce your paper clutter then a scanner is a must have. This one is very simple and so easy to use. It is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.
Things I’m loving right now
Diffuser –
Really and truly I would be lost without my diffuser. I can absolutely tell you that using essential oils have made a huge impact in my home. For years my son had the hardest time winding down and falling asleep at night. Out of desperation, I purchased a diffuser and the serenity essential oil from doTerra. It worked so well, at first I thought it was acting like a placebo. But a few years later we still use it and it still works.

Sound spa –
I received this Sound Spa as a gift and I am loving it. It creates such a calm and relaxing environment, especially while I work.
Calming Bottles –
These are so great I even made a bunch of them for Christmas gifts and they were a huge hit. The one thing I learned is to make sure you use fine glitter, the heavier glitter sinks to the bottom to quickly. We simply added some fine glitter, about half a bottle of clear Elmer’s glue and hot water to empty Voss bottles. Shake well and relax.
Goal Setting & Time Management
it’s my Favorite day Free Printable Planner.
Being successful at time management and achieving your goals requires planning. I had a hard time finding a simple all in one planner, so I created my own. It helps me keep all of my day to day tasks in one place. You can read the details about the planner here and sign up to download your own free copy.
Living Well Planner.
This planner is all about making achieving your goals a reality. The quality of this planner is top of the line. There are sections for meal planning, budgeting, your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule as well as goal setting. You will find a new goal planning page every month, this lets you focus your energy on a few things at a time so that you stay motivated. If you are going to invest in a planner, I highly recommend the Living Well Planner.

Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
This is without a doubt one of the best books on time management out there. The book is written in very simple terms and filled with actionable steps you can implement immediately. If you have not read this book, what are you waiting for? Order it now!

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey
This book is a classic and remains well worth reading. The book is filled with practical applications and I found my self-stopping at nearly every page with the need to really stop and think about the principals laid out. This book is about much more than succeeding in business, it is about succeeding in life. In my opinion, this is a must read book. You can order a copy here, or check it out at your local library.
Making Money
Swagbucks –
You earn points on Swagbucks by doing what you already do, that is surf the internet. There are other ways to earn points as well, surveys, watching videos, playing games, and shopping, but really I downloaded the toolbar and do most of my searching through their search engine, this way I am not doing anything I was not already doing and I make money. You can redeem your points for gift cards, last year I paid for almost all of my Christmas presents through gift cards I earned through Swagbucks. I always redeem my points for Amazon gift cards and then just download them to my Amazon Account. It really is like free money for doing what you already do. I do recommend downloading the search toolbar, it really increased my earnings. This is my referral link, you can signup for Swagbucks by clicking here.
Ebates gives you cash back on all of your online purchases if you go through their website when you make a purchase. It’s that easy! Sign up for Ebates here and get a $10 Gift Card.
– I currently use Bluehost to host this blog and have been very pleased. I have only ever had one issue when I first signed up and their customer service was amazing. The matter was resolved instantly. I am extremely technologically challenged and love that Bluehost is so user-friendly. They regularly run special pricing for new sign up’s, you can check out their current hosting prices here.
StudioPress –
StudioPress offers personalized themes for your blog. I purchased my current theme through them and have found their customer service to be very supportive, especially with someone as tech challenged as I am.
Mailchimp –
MailChimp is great when you are just starting out and want to send a regular newsletter to your subscribers. I started this blog using the free MailChimp option and I have been very pleased with how easy it is to use.
– I use PicMonkey to edit all of my pictures. PicMonkey has a free version or monthly/yearly plan with upgraded features. I currently use the free plan and have been quite happy.
Elite Blog Academy –
There have been so many great reviews about this course. I am currently signed up to begin the course in February. I cannot wait to give you more details and recommendations on this course, so hold tight. 🙂