The Margarian Sholarship
Application Deadline:
June 30, 2016
Award Amount:
Five awards of $1,000. each.
Eligibility Requirements:
The scholarship is designed to reward five deserving students for their academic and personal achievements. The scholarship is open to all College, Community College, Graduate School, High School, Master’s, and Undergraduate students. The candidates will be selected based on their G.P.A., economic hardship and commitment to their heritage, community and society.
To Apply:
Visit the Margarian Law Firm website and submit a completed application form. Along with the application you must submit:
- A resume, including your educational background, GPA, awards, prizes, publications, presentations, community/organization involvement, extracurricular activities, language proficiency and other skills.
- A Transcript(s) for academic programs you have completed and/or are enrolled in presently, starting from high school.
- A photograph.
- A Letter of Recommendation.
- A Statement of Purpose, which should include additional information you would like the committee to consider when assessing your application, including any unique accomplishments, skills, endeavors, and goals, reasons behind your goals, and you /or your family’s socioeconomic status and background.
For complete rules and details visit http://margarianlaw.com/scholarship/
Inverters R Us Power Scholarship
Application Deadline:
June 30, 2016
Award Amount:
Two $1000 merit-based scholarships
Eligibility Requirements:
US citizens or permanent residents with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and enrolled or planning to enroll in an accredited college or university in Fall 2016.
To Apply:
Visit the Inverters R Us website, and complete the applications. You will have to submit your transcribt and a small writing prompt of 500-1500 ORIGINAL words answering the following:
What are the benefits of using solar energy?
For complete rules and details visit http://www.invertersrus.com/power-scholarships.html
Active Life Scholarship for Financial Literacy
Award Deadline:
June 30, 2016
Award Amount:
Eligibility Requirement:
You must be current college or graduate school students. Applicants must be committed to increasing their financial literacy skills and adopt positive habits for managing personal finances. Award can be used at any college to study any major as well as for books and living expenses.
To Apply:
Applications are available online by visiting http://www.getupgetactive.org/scholarship/. You will need to write 3-5 sentences answering ONE of the following:
- Why is being financially literate important to you? -OR-
- What’s the best lesson you’ve learned about money?
Bonus – Express Medical Supply Scholarship
Application Deadline:
June 30, 2016
Award Amount:
Eligibility Requirements:
Student enrolled in Fall 2016 classes at a two or four-year school.
To Apply:
Tweet a photo to @Express_Medical that best represents the word EXPRESS to you with the link to the scholarship page. Email the Tweet URL to scholarships@exmed.net and include your name, phone number, address and your school.
For complete rules go to http://www.exmed.net/t-scholarships.aspx
Now go and get busy applying for these opportunities for FREE money. Don’t forget to do something to make today your Favorite day!!
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