Of course, sometimes there are practical reasons why we struggle with clutter, but more often than not, it’s an emotional battle. You want to declutter, but something is holding you back — you feel guilty about letting go of your stuff.
Whether you feel guilty because you bought all the stuff in the first place or because your great aunt Rose gave you that vase for your birthday, guilt is a strong emotion that’s hard to let go of.
But I want to help you tackle the messy, hard to declutter stuff in your home. The stuff that keeps you stuck and holds you back from having a home you love! So let’s get started with how you can get rid of clutter without guilt.
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Realize Guilt Is A Negative Emotion
When we hold on to things because we feel guilty about letting them go what we are doing is holding onto negative emotions. And holding on to negative emotions will never bring you a positive result.
If you want to bring positive things not your home and life, you have to let go of the negative.
I hear you, “but how?” Well— it starts with your why. WHY do you want to declutter your home and life?
I know this might seem like a silly question at first but I really want you to think about it.
What does living clutter-free mean to you?
Is there something you are really trying to achieve?
What is the point of decluttering?
You see, if you don’t know WHY you’re decluttering, then all you’re really doing it putting another task on your to-do list. Decluttering will feel like hard work and I can guarantee you won’t be able to get rid of clutter without guilt.
However, when you are clear on what you are wanting to achieve, decluttering becomes less about letting go and more about purposefully creating a home and life you love!
So let go of the guilt by spending some time thinking about all the positives of decluttering your home! When those feelings of guilt start rising up, think about the good.
Things like you’ll be able to bless others. When you purge your stuff, it can go to someone who needs it or wants it.
Your home is cleaner and you spend less time cleaning! When you walk in the front door you immediately feel relaxed because your home is filled with only the things you truly love!
You can get rid of clutter without guilt when you realize that decluttering isn’t about choosing what to throw away, it’s about choosing to create a home you love!
Get Rid of Clutter Without Guilt Even if the Item Was Expensive
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again when it comes to feeling guilty about decluttering because you’ve spent so much money you must understand the damage is done — the money is already spent!
Look we’ve all been there, you’re decluttering and there’s something you “know” you should get rid of … but there’s a voice in your head that’s holding you back:
“But I paid SO much money for that!” Cue the feelings of guilt. No matter how many times you try and convince yourself that “Maybe I will use it/ start wearing it!” we both know you won’t. So so give yourself permission to let go and move on.
Holding on to things just because they were expensive is not going to bring that money back! Even more importantly, holding onto stuff that is no longer adding value to your life.
In fact, it’s creating even more expense. You have to spend time and money to store, care for, and maintain it. Also, think about the mental cost of keeping those items. How do you feel when you see your item going unused? That negative guilt resurfaces every time you look at it!
It’s keeping you from what you want most, a home that you love!
Declutter Unwanted Gifts Without Guilt
Another area we struggle to get rid of clutter without guilt is with gifts we’ve received. Are you keeping something just because someone gave it to you?
We have this expectation that gifts are to be kept, no questions asked, forever. We even attach this false sense of betrayal to getting rid of gifts.
But here’s the thing about gifts, when we give someone we care about a gift it’s because we want to bless them and we hope they’ll enjoy the gift. We do a disservice to the person who gave us the gift when we hold onto it out of guilt.
If the item is not useful or you don’t love it the person who gave it to you is not being honored by you holding on to it. They didn’t give you the gift so that you’d feel guilty when looking at it. You can most honor the gifter by letting go of the item and blessing someone who will actually use it.
How to Get Rid of Clutter Without Guilt When It Feels Wasteful
Getting rid of stuff that’s in good condition feels wasteful. After all, you forked over money to pay for it and it feels like you’re throwing money away. But let me ask you this, do you really feel any better over shoving that money into the back of a drawer or closet. Because that’s what you’re doing when you hang onto it just because you feel guilty for wasting money.
You need to remember that you made the purchase because you thought you would use the item. It’s okay if the item didn’t work out as you planned. Getting rid of it now is only wasteful if you keep buying more.
A better option than holding on to something that isn’t useful or loved is to is donate the item to someone who will use it. You’ll bless that person and enjoy the benefits of not having another item you have to store or take care of.
For more ideas on what to do with the stuff you declutter, Simple Lionheart Life has some good suggestions.
How to Declutter Sentimental Items Without Guilt
We tend to hold on to certain items because we identify them with happier memories. The truth is it can be really hard to get rid of things that hold an emotional attachment. But holding on to something just to avoid feeling guilty is the worst reason to keep something.
Most of us have a lot of sentimental items that have accumulated over our lifetime. But if we try to make everything special then soon nothing is special. To really get rid of clutter without guilt doesn’t mean getting rid of everything. It’s perfectly okay to keep the things the really and truly are special!
Start slow with sentimental items. Decluttering doesn’t need to be a race. Sentimental items that have a lot of meaning to you shouldn’t be kept in a box, use them or display them!
Consider taking photographs of the items and creating a photo book. I did this with my kids’ artwork. There are several places that do this online. I used Shutterfly, their prices are great and they even make great gifts!
Consider framing some items, these neutral frames are inexpensive and a great option to frame a piece of clothing, a letter, posters, or even program books.
By displaying or using your sentimental items you will whittle down your collections, while still holding on to the happy memories. I promise this will make it so much easier to get rid of the remaining stuff without guilt!
Remember to be gracious with yourself and give yourself time.
Declutter “Just in Case” or “Someday” Items Without Guilt
Let’s be honest here, most of the things we hang onto “just in case” or “I might need it someday” will never ever be used.
All those items due is take up precious resources in terms of space in your home, money, energy, and time to store, maintain, and clean. Is the guilt of letting them go really worth the costs of keeping them? We both know it’s not!
Whether it’s that pair of jeans that are too tight to be comfortable, the curtains that no longer match your decor, or the collection of craft supplies for the project you’re “sure” you will finish, “just in case” or “someday” rarely comes. And you know what, if “someday” ever does come you can go purchase it again or, better yet, borrow.
I want to encourage you to really focus on what you’re gaining by decluttering your item. Think about all the space you will gain, the time, money, and peace of mind!
Live for the life you have at the moment! Reclaim your home and fill it with things that you love and make you happy right now!
It’s time to stop holding on to all that stuff that no longer serves you. Get rid of the clutter without the guilt and create a home you love. I promise you will be so happy you did!
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