It wasn’t until she mentioned this to someone else, that she caught on. This is how myths get started.
I’m sure you’ve heard that lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice, or does it? Did you know this is a complete myth? Not only can lightning strike the same place twice, but given time it’s actually inevitable.
Some myths are accepted as fact, but it doesn’t make them true. After all, there was a time when people believed the world was flat.
8 Organizing Myths Exposed
Like the myths above, there are many myths built up around organizing your home that simply are not true. Giving into myths prevents us from having a cleaner home and an easier life.
It’s time to let go of complicated myths. Here are 8 organizing myths, stopping you from getting organized right now, that I am happy to debunk!
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1. It’s Too Late / My Home Is Too Far Gone
I don’t know why it’s so easy to fall into the trap of believing the myth that our home is just too far gone and we won’t ever be able to clean it out.
This myth is causing you to give in to defeat before you ever even start. If you’re thinking this way, it’s time to change your thought process.
Let me just encourage you to do a little bit of research on just how wrong this myth is. Honestly, all you have to do is watch a couple of back episodes of the TV show Hoarders to see the fallacy in this myth. If the people in the Hoarders show can get organized you know darn well you can make it happen!
Getting organized right now starts by saying goodbye to this myth and then taking action.
It doesn’t matter if it’s just a junk drawer or the bathroom medicine cabinet, you need to just start! Here are 5 ways to get started on a clutter-free home, they are perfect for when you don’t know where to start!
2. You’re Not Naturally Organized
Zero doubt there are those people who seem to have been born with some kind of special organizing DNA.
However, does this really mean it’s impossible to get organized because it doesn’t come naturally? Of course not! What it does mean, is that you might have to work a little harder or rely on more traditional organizing tools.
If you lack the organizing gene and you’re having trouble getting organized right now, invest in a few inexpensive tools. To start, consider these storage cubes or storage baskets. Wire baskets are great for organizing mail and other papers. You can learn more about how I organize paper in my home here. A label maker is another great tool! Really there are countless options online.
However, before you start shopping, I need to caution you, PLEASE do not go out and purchase a bunch of organizing supplies without first having a specific use for them.
If you purchase organizing supplies that you don’t have a specific use or purpose for, you’ll end up with a bunch of stuff you don’t need or use. In the end, you’ll create more clutter in your life and make your situation worse.
So let go of the myth that you need to be naturally organized. Invest in a few organizing essentials and get to work.
3. You Don’t Have the Time
I think this may be the most well-circulated organizing myth out there.
Look it’s not that you don’t have the time to organize, it’s that you haven’t made it a priority.
Come on we all have the same 24 hours. You don’t have any more or any fewer minutes in your day than anyone else.
I recognize that more of your minutes may be more committed than others, but the truth is if you really want to get organized you will make the time.
Yes, it does take more time, in the beginning, to get everything organized. However, once you’ve set up some basic routines in your home and life, keeping organized becomes part of your normal day.
Getting organized right now doesn’t have to involve a significant amount of time. It does, however, require you to make it a priority. Write it down in your calendar and treat it like you would any other important appointment you would make.
4. It’s Impossible To Get Organized With Kids
There’s not a mom out there who hasn’t thought of this at one point or another. But I promise it’s nothing more than a very common organizing myth.
This myth started because many moms would spend hours and hours organizing all their kids’ toys and belongings. Soon, and within a very short time, the kids had come along and pulled out all the toys and messed up the entire system. Ugh… totally understand this frustration. In fact, I’ve been there, and done that!
But look the problem isn’t the kids messing up our fantastically amazing organizing systems. The true problem is engaging in a futile attempt at organizing clutter.
Getting organized right now requires you to start eliminating the vast majority of those toys and do-dads. Believe me, your kids are drowning in a sea of junk I’m pretty sure they don’t need.
When you finally start eliminating all the excess I swear to you, your kids will be fine. In fact, your kids will be better off! Do you want to see the effects of too many toys on kids? Check out this post on why you need to declutter the toys, then start eliminating the excess and start getting organized right now, even with your kids.
5. There’s a Right Way To Organize
Truth: when it comes to organizing and maintaining a home there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all.
The only way to get organized right now is to make it about what works for you, your home, and your family. Do yourself a favor and let go of the organizing myth that there is a correct way to organize or that you need some complicated system. Remember simple works complicated doesn’t!
This is really the ONLY RULE when it comes to getting organized; “keep it simple and make it fun”!
Your home should reflect your personality and that includes the methods that work for you!
Over the years I tried lots of different systems until I found the one that works for me. I know so many people who swear by FlyLady. While yes her systems are great, they just didn’t work for me. But you know what, her systems may be perfect for you.
What finally worked for me was getting rid of all the clutter and then dividing my daily tasks throughout my week. This makes it super easy for me to stay organized without getting overwhelmed.
So if you’re having a problem sticking with a particular system, adjust accordingly. Experiment until you find a system that works for you and will allow you to maintain a clutter-free life.
6. You Have To Stick to a System
This ties into #5 above, I am always amazed when I hear people completely give up after trying a particular organizing system under the guise that “it just didn’t work for me”. They’re then surprised that they can’t get organized.
If you start a particular organizing system and find it doesn’t work for you there are no organizing police or jails. If a particular organizing system doesn’t work, change it, or modify it.
Look, the whole Marie Kondo sparks joy craze obviously helped thousands upon thousands of people. Personally, I’m not a fan of the majority of what she says. I’m not going to go around asking my possessions anything to see if they spark joy, it’s just not me. Really, just the thought of it makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable.
On the other hand, her way of folding clothes — life-changing.
To get organized right now don’t be afraid to modify and adjust any part of a system you’re using, but just isn’t working.
Do yourself a favor and quit trying to keep up with or maintain someone else’s system it’s your home make it about you!
7. Getting Organized Requires To Stay Hyper Focused
Once upon a time, you did something totally wrong.
My guess is that you installed these complicated systems requiring you to keep up, follow through, stay focused, eliminate distractions, and stay disciplined.
If this is you, I am looking at you square in the eyes and telling you to STOP!
These types of organizing systems are exactly what’s preventing you from being organized. Your systems should not require this type of focus and discipline or they’re doing the opposite of what they promise. Systems that work are those that allow you to maintain them as you go about your daily life.
8. You Don’t Have To Get Rid of Anything
The number one reason people fail at organizing is that they waste time organizing the wrong things. Here’s the hard truth, you can’t successfully organize clutter.
Your number one goal should be to remove the clutter not organize the stuff you don’t use. Feeling like there just isn’t anywhere to put the stuff is a clear sign you need to get rid of things. It’s worth saying again, getting organized right now requires you to eliminate!
The bottom line, even if you spend countless hours organizing, things are always going to come undone and nothing will ever stay as it should if you don’t declutter.
Getting rid of the excess is the only way to gain some breathing room. By taking the time to declutter your physical possessions you will finally be able to clear space for those things that matter most!
Keep the clutter at bay and you will be able to get organized and have a home you truly love.
As you can see giving into organizing myths prevents us from clearing the space for those things that matter most.
It’s time to let go of complicated myths that tell you it’s too late or that your home is too far gone. Stop fretting over the fact you don’t have a special organizing gene and make organizing your home a priority.
Realize you can be organized with kids, you only need to adjust and find the system that works for you! Just remember to keep it simple and let go of the clutter. In no time at all, you will have the organized home you’ve always dreamed of.
So what are you waiting for? Start getting organized right now!
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