But, do you realize that there are some serious germ magnets in our homes that are often overlooked? They certainly require a little more attention from time to time, than my normal 20-minute tidy ups.
The truth is that even in a simplified home, it is easy to forget about some of the nooks and crannies when doing your regular cleaning routine. But these nooks and crannies can be serious germ magnets.
15 Areas of Your Home You May Be Forgetting to Clean
With spring cleaning at hand, it’s the perfect time to conquer these germ magnets. So when you are doing your deep spring cleaning, pay attention to these 15 surprising germ magnets that we often forget to clean.
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1. Under The Bed
If you avoid looking under your bed it might be time to clean. After all, underneath your bed happens to be the favorite habitat and breeding ground for those not so cute/cuddly dust bunnies.
Those dust bunnies act as germ magnets. They are primarily made up of dead skin, dirt tracked in on your shoe dust, and even spider webs. These little creatures can be home to dust mites as well as other parasites.
Have I convinced you yet? Yes, it’s time to clean under those beds.
2. The Top of The Refrigerator
Think dust bunnies mixed with grease and you have the top of a refrigerator that hasn’t been cleaned in a while.
It’s so easy to forget to clean this spot but the longer you put it off the harder the job is. Seriously do you want all that grime sitting on top of one of the largest surfaces in your kitchen?
For the how-tos of cleaning this spot check out Clean the Top of your Refrigerator on Brighnest.com
3. Behind Your Appliances
Now that the top of your fridge is nice and clean you might as well clean under and behind it. While you’re there don’t forget to pull out the stove.
Dust bunnies also love hanging out in the coils and back of your fridge and stove which can make your appliances run less efficiently.
Not only that, but food particles love to collect under these appliances and can attract all kinds of critters that none of us want in our homes.
4. Kitchen Handles
I have a question for you – while cooking dinner, how many times do you grab the handle surfaces in the kitchen?
That’s what I thought, we all do it. This is why the handles in our kitchen are major germ magnets and probably the germiest area of our home.
Because the handles and knobs in your kitchen naturally attract grease, they are easy magnets for germs. There are a lot of handle surfaces in the kitchen, take some time to focus on cleaning these areas.
5. Ice Cube Trays & Dispensers
We all know these areas can collect a build-up of water deposits, but they actually absorb the smells and scents of all the other items in your freezer.
If you find that your ice cubes are starting to taste a little funny make sure to clean out your trays or dispensers.
6. The Garbage Disposal
Really, what’s worse than having the aroma of the wonderful meal you just slaved over, overrun by a smelly garbage disposal? Not a pleasant thought right? This is exactly what can happen when your garbage disposal is in need of a good cleaning.
The garbage disposal is a common area often overlooked when cleaning. To keep your garbage disposal germ-free and smelling fresh dump about 1/4 cup of baking soda down the drain then pour about a cup of vinegar down the disposal.
Now grab the kids because this is fun to watch!
After the mixture sits for 10 to 15 minutes go ahead and flush with hot water. That’s it, you’ll have a sparkling fresh garbage disposal with almost no effort.
I like to follow this cleaning by tossing in a lemon (cut into quarters). It creates a nice clean scent. Now to keep your disposal blades nice and sharp, grind up a handful of ice cubes.
7. Door Handles
There has been some debate on whether or not door handles do in fact spread germs. While they may not be as strong of a germ magnet as the kitchen handles, they are still an area that should regularly be cleaned.
Door handles can, in fact, spread germs. Despite this, door handles are often overlooked items as part of your regular cleaning routine.
Doorknobs and handles are easy to clean and keep germ-free. Simply take a disinfectant wipe or a rag sprayed with your favorite disinfectant and go through your home wiping down all doorknobs and handles, that’s it, easy peasy!
8. Light Switches
Light switches are much like door handles. They are generally touched each time you enter or leave a room. Yet we often forget to clean them despite how easy the task is.
Just as with the door handles, grab that favorite disinfectant and wipe away. Easy, easy, easy.
9. The Faucets
The faucets in your home are another area often overlooked when it comes to cleaning. However, faucets are also used multiple times a day. Because of their consistent use, and the moist environment, they are major germ magnets and a splendid breeding ground for germs.
I have an amazing homemade cleaner for faucets, literally, all that needs to be done is spray it on, let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, and wipe. Your faucets will sparkle. – find the recipe here.
10. Tooth Brush Holder Cup
If you haven’t cleaned the cup you keep your toothbrushes in lately, you might want to take a look. But caution, what you see may make you throw away both the cup and the toothbrushes.
It really doesn’t take long for these cups to become nasty with goop from toothpaste and water, creating obvious germ magnets.
As toothbrushes go directly into your mouth this is a spot you want to ensure you add to your regular cleaning rotation.
11. Water Bottles
Okay, don’t judge me. I have my favorite stainless steel water bottle and bring it with me daily. Part of my daily morning routine is to fill up my water bottle right before I leave the house. Most days I do not wash the bottle I simply refill it with more water.
I’ll be honest and confess I kind of grossed myself out here in researching this. But, yes, the truth is there very well may be thousands of moisture-loving germs lurking all over my water bottle.
Want more details on the possible 313,499 CFU of germs on your water bottle? Check out this post on treadmillreviews.net.
I hereby pledge to start washing my water bottle each night as part of my evening routine. How about you, will you take the pledge with me?
Just in case, look how cute these water bottles are, definitely need a spare.
12. Computer Keyboard & Mouse
Another one of those items we try to remember the last time it was cleaned. If you’re on your computer right now look down at that keyboard and mouse.
If you need to stop reading and grab some cleaning supplies, I totally understand. I’ll wait…
13. Remote Control
Once again, this is one of those items we often forget to clean despite the fact we handle it several times a day. Because of how often it is handled, your remote is seriously crawling with germs. I know eww right?
All that’s needed is a simple wipe down with a disinfectant wipe.
14. Bed Sheets
This one may not apply to you, some people are great about washing their bed sheets every week. However, if you’re not (talking to my umm children) just know that you’ve got some pretty strange bedfellows tonight.
No kidding here, unwashed bed sheets are swarming with dust mites. I’m honestly not trying to gross you out but your skin sheds each night while you sleep. This is a favorite meal for dust mites.
I know, I know ignorance is bliss, but now that you know the truth go wash those sheets.
15. Reusable Shopping Bags
In California, those small grocery store plastic bags have been banned. You MUST bring your own reusable shopping bags or be forced to pay anywhere between .25 and $1.00 per bag.
With those prices, I make every effort to remember those reusable bags. The problem is those reusable bags are not very sanitary.
Every single grocery item you bring home will sit in those bags. This is happening on each and every trip to the grocery store. It doesn’t take long before those bags have become true germ magnets.
With all the many areas of your home that you clean daily, it’s easy to see how these areas can be overlooked.
Most of these areas are fairly easy to clean so remember to add them to your cleaning rotation.
I would love to hear what you would add to this list.
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