Simplifying your life ranges from removing the excess in your home, your schedule, and your finances. It also includes focusing on relationships, self-care, and everything in between. But when you try and do it all at once, it feels hard and complicated. Needless to say, this is the opposite of what you’re trying to accomplish.
28 Little Ways to Help You Focus on Simplicity All Month Long
To make it easier to focus on small changes you can implement as part of your daily life I created this simplicities calendar for February. Print out the calendar and use it as your guide to finding little ways to simplify all month long. It also includes a decluttering task for each week.
Download the PDF version here!
Now let’s talk about each of these ways to focus on simplicity for the month of February.
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1. Go On a Hike
I personally love going on hikes, it is a great way to get some exercise, which naturally boosts your mood. It’s also a great way to get the kids outdoors and away from electronics.
We look for different places to hike in our local area. Afterward, everyone is always tired but feels good. If you haven’t exercised in a while, you’ll be amazed at how much simpler things feel by taking time for yourself and getting your body at its best.
2. Declutter All Clothes You Haven’t Worn in a Year
If you have clothes in your closet that you haven’t worn in an entire year it’s time to get rid of them! Be honest, if you’re not wearing those clothes, it’s because you aren’t feeling confident wearing them or don’t really love them.
So why are you holding on to them? There is no reason to keep them. You deserve to look and feel amazing in everything you wear.
Going forward there are lots of different ways to organize clothes to make sure you only have what you truly love! Here’s an excellent article to get you started.
3. Sleep In
Start your week off right by getting a full night’s sleep. Most of us are sleep deprived, getting less and less sleep as the week goes on. Make a commitment to get to bed a little earlier. Your body and your attitude will thank you!
4. Have a Morning Routine
Instead of searching for ways to do it all, routines will help you become intentional with what you put on your plate. Rhythms and routines can make all the difference in how you move through your day.
You don’t have to create an elaborate morning routine! A simple routine is all you need to prepare you for the day. For example; wake up at 6:00 am, make the bed, start the coffee, do devotions and prayer, kids up, start breakfast, get yourself ready for the day, toss in one load of laundry.
These are daily tasks that need to be done. By having them as part of a regular routine you put them on auto piolet. You no longer have to take time each day thinking about them.
5. Listen to Your Favorite PlayList
When I’m struggling and feeling unmotivated, usually turning on my favorite playlist makes all the difference. Sometimes all you need to get motivated is some good music.
Whether you’re driving in the car or working on chores, make a point today to listen to your favorite music and see what it does to your mood. Everything will feel a little lighter!
6. Declare an Electronics Free Day
I think at this point, it almost goes without saying, that we spend way too much time in front of a screen. Whether it’s your phone, computer, tablet, or even the television we’re overdoing it.
We miss so much of life’s precious moments because they happen in ordinary parts of our day. When we’re glued to our devices we miss them. So slow down and declare an electronics ban for the day and reconnect with the ones you love!
7. Buy a New Plant
Did you know that indoor plants and fresh flowers have many benefits? For starters, they remove toxins from the air making your environment healthier. As if that wasn’t enough, they create immediate calming and positive feelings.
Fresh flowers and plants are a great way to add natural beauty to any space.
8. Treat Yourself
We don’t do this often enough. It doesn’t have to be something extraordinary. If you want to, you certainly can go all out and treat yourself to an amazing spa day.
But really something as simple as pouring yourself your favorite drink and sitting on the back porch with a good book and the warm sun on your face will do wonders to simplify the day.
The point is to treat yourself to something enjoyable that’s just for you. Shh, I think I’ll stop and pick up some chocolate tonight.
9. Declutter Clothing That No Longer Fits
I know this can be hard. We tend to hang on to clothes that no longer fit in hopes of getting back into them. That gives them an emotional value making it difficult to declutter.
But hey if you’ve gone through all the work of fitting back into those clothes, be honest don’t you think that means you deserve a whole new wardrobe! Why not take this opportunity to create your dream capsule wardrobe.
And if it really is too hard to let go of those items right now, that’s okay. I still want you to box them up and label the box. No reason to keep them in your closet.
10. Make a Debt Pay off Plan
After creating a budget, the number one thing you can do to take control of your money is making a debt payoff plan. Dealing with debt takes your time, finances, and sense of peace. Debt feels anything but simple.
If you’re unsure where to start there are a lot of resources available. My personal favorite is Dave Ramsey. There are some excellent resources on his website that will help you finally eliminate that debt.
The sooner you get started the soon you can enjoy the benefits a debt-free lifestyle brings!
11. Sign up for Paperless Billing
Paper is evil. It multiples all on its own and if you don’t have a system for limiting its influx into your home it takes over. Yes, I know that’s just a little dramatic. But come on there is some real truth there.
And the truth is the best way I have found for limiting the amount of time I spend on dealing with paper piles is to limit the paper coming in. Enter paperless billing. For most bills, there is no reason to keep hard copies, which makes paperless billing so convenient.
Limiting the paper coming into your home will go a long way towards simplifying life. For more tips on how to Finally Put an End to the Paper Struggle, there are some proven methods listed here.
12. Make Heart-Shaped Pancakes
February is the month of love so why not celebrate all month long! How fun to surprise your favorite people with a mid-week breakfast consisting of heart-shaped pancakes!
You can get some fun inexpensive heart-shaped molds right on Amazon. After all the benefit of simplifying life is that you have the time to make those you love feel special.
13. Rearrange Your Furniture
Our environment has a big impact on how we feel. To bring freshness to your space rearrange your furniture. Something as simple as changing your furniture layout can make your entire space feel brand new.
You can even move items from room to room and shop your own home. The only requirement is that you have fun with it. If it’s in the budget add a cozy new throw or natural scented candle!
14. Celebrate Valentines Day
Many people see this as nothing more than a Hallmark card holiday, but what deserves to be celebrated more than the people you love. You don’t have to go out and buy a bunch of gifts, rather, take the opportunity to tell your people why they’re special to you.
Do something for them that will make them feel loved and important. Whether it be making a favorite meal, doing their chores or a fun note in their lunch box, it’s the perfect excuse to let them know how much they matter to you!
15. Listen to Live Music
Listening to good music always improves my mood, but going out and watching someone actually perform just takes it up a notch.
Whether you choose to see a concert of your favorite musician or enjoy the local jazz band, it’s a fantastic way to slow down and be present in the moment.
16. Declutter Ripped or Stained Clothing
There’s no reason not to have a closet filled with clothes you love, that are in good condition and make you feel confident. However, the only way to make this happen is to get rid of everything else. Today start with everything stained or ripped that you know you’ll never repair.
A super-easy way to keep your closet clutter-free of ripped and stained clothing is to keep a decluttering basket in your closet or bedroom. When you come across an item that’s stained, ripped, or is just time to let go of, toss them straight into the basket. When the basket starts getting full, it’s time to donate or dispose of the items.
This basket really does make staying clutter-free simple and easy!
17. Plan a Bulk Cooking Day
No matter how much time I’ve spent simplifying life, there are those days when life is just busy. And nothing complicates those days quicker than arriving home around dinner time exhausted from the day’s events and having to start cooking.
Even if you have the energy to actually get a meal on the table, the thought of cleaning up afterward, well that’s a whole different story.
This is where bulk cooking is a lifesaver.
You can either spend a day making a week’s worth of meals for those busy nights or my favorite is to double a few recipes during the week. Just stick the extra’s in the freezer. Doing this doesn’t take up any extra time and keeps extra meals on hand for those unexpected busy nights.
18. Look Through Old Photos
I recently had to spend some time going through old photos. Doing so brought back lots of fun memories. We reminisced about people I hadn’t thought of in years.
Even my kids had fun seeing so many family members in their younger days. It’s a great way to remind yourself of what matters most. Plus you’ll see how it really is the events and experiences that make up the most cherished memories.
19. Do A Brain Dump
With technology today, we have access to so much information, literally in our back pocket. All that information is swirling around in our brains along with our mile-long to-do list.
To really slow down and simplify, it’s time to let go of all that information keeping you up at night and keeping you from focusing on what matters most. Spend some time today and just brain dump.
Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Now just write down everything that comes into your mind. Getting it out on paper has a way of releasing all of the stress and anxiety you’re holding on to. When you’re done life just feels a little slower and simpler.
20. Write a Kind Note to Someone
There’s something about a handwritten note that just feels special. And of course who doesn’t love receiving a kind word. Combine the two and I promise you’ll make someone’s entire day.
Knowing you’ve brightened someone’s day makes you feel good and can turn your day around as well.
This is what simplifying your life to make time for what really matters is all about!
21. Organize Something
When things are regularly disorganized we waste so much precious time looking for stuff. Pick an area of your home where you spend extra time looking for things.
It could be that infamous junk drawer, the make-up drawer, or your entire craft room. If you don’t already have them, purchase a couple of organizing trays and finally get that area under control.
22. Plan a Solo Get Away
This is on the top of my list! If you’ve never done this, you need to!
Getting away by yourself is the best way I know to really put things into perspective. It’s a time of both reflection and refreshment. Whether you’re able to get away for the entire week or just one night you’ll be so glad you did. Especially when you return with new clarity and focus.
23. Toss Clothes You Don’t Feel Great In
I 100% hate trying on clothes. Plus these days I do the vast majority of my shopping online. These two things make it easy for me to end up with clothes that don’t make me feel as great as I thought they would.
While I’m usually pretty good about returning them, every now and then I forget. When I go to donate the clothing I feel guilty knowing I’m wasting money. To deal with the guilt, I just stuck them in the closet.
But I had to realize that the damage was done, holding on to clothes that don’t make me feel great wasn’t bringing back the money I wasted.
So stop feeling guilty and declutter all of that clothing you’ve been hanging onto, but don’t feel great in.
24. Plan Out Next Month
Goals give you direction when it comes to achieving things you’ve always wanted!
There are a few important areas in which I like to plan out monthly goals. They consist of my relationships, home environment or projects, health and fitness, my finances, career/business, spiritual growth, and self-care.
Each month I try and set a specific goal to do at least one thing to improve each of these important areas. By doing this, I’m able to keep my focus where it’s most important.
What are the things that matter most to you? Set some goals that you’ll work on next month in those key areas!
25. Explore a New Town
This is such a wonderful way to spend a Saturday. Take a slow drive to a new town and just wander around exploring.
26. Go To a Museum
Museums offer so many opportunities to slow down and appreciate. Whether it’s an art museum, a museum for history, science, or children, they naturally create a slow pace and encourage you to slow down and take in the sights.
27. Say No
Every time you say yes to one thing, it means you’re saying no to something else. Often that something else is one of those things that matter most.
Today’s simplicity requires you to be purposeful in what you say yes to!
Your time is a limited asset, spend it wisely!
28. Write Down The Month’s Most Memorable Event
Take just a few moments to reflect back on the month. Jot down at least one memorable event from the month. This helps you focus on the positive and see how your effort to simplify really is moving you closer toward those things that genuinely matter most.
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