I have saved sooo much money by making my own cleaners. The best part is that I actually like many of them better than the store-bought ones I’ve purchased.
Because I regularly make my own cleaners, I purchase the large bulk size bottles at Costco which saves even more. I mix up a large batch at one time and store it in a cleaned out large orange juice container under the kitchen sink. This makes it easy to simply fill an all purpose spray bottle as needed.
All but one, are made with all natural ingredients and so much healthier than what you purchased in the store. I do make one cleaner with Ammonia, which I use for glass and the kitchen floors. As much as I like the vinegar for general wipe downs, I find that I have to use a lot more elbow grease for those greasier grimy areas. With my all purpose cleaner, clean up is much quicker and I do notice a difference.
So here you go:
All Purpose Cleaner
1 cup Ammonia
1 cup rubbing alcohol
1 tablespoon Dawn Dish Soap
10 cups water.
Mix all together and shake well. Fill a spray bottle with the mixture and store the remaining cleaner in a container. I often add essential oils to make it smell nice.
Furniture Polish
This stuff works every bit as good, if not better than the store-bought versions. After using this I will never buy furniture polish again.
½ cup olive oil
½ cup vinegar
10 drops essential oil, I use either lemon, lemongrass or orange oils
Mix all together in a spray bottle. I use a stainless steel bottle, you can use that or glass. I do not recommend a plastic spray bottle, as the oils can break down the plastic. To use spray on wood furniture the same way you would pledge.
Vinegar and Orange Cleaner
Passion for Savings has a great tutorial on making this cleaner. You can check it out here.
Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap
Save your old foaming hand soap bottles. Just add two tablespoons of Castile Soup, 10 drops of On Guard essential oil and fill the rest with water. Shake well and enjoy your homemade antibacterial foaming hand soap.
Bath Room Cleaner
This one has been all over Pinterest for quite some time and you may have tried it out. If not, I am telling you it is worth trying out. This stuff works so well, especially on faucets. You really do just spray it on, leave it to sit for about 10 minutes and then wipe down. Your shower and faucets will shine. I do have a warning, it is very soapy and requires a lot of rinsing.
Here are some good directions on making this cleaner by CouponCloset.Net Check it out here.
If you try any of these out, I would love to hear how they worked for you. Now go and make today your Favorite day!
[…] In addition, consider making your own non-toxic cleaning products. There are many recipes online. I even have a few recipes here. […]