I firmly believe that words are the most powerful force in the universe. So much so that the entire universe was created by the word. Words have the ability to build up or tear down. Because of the power of words, these 30 decluttering quotes may also have the power to help you finally clear the clutter in your own home.
I truly hope they inspire you!
30 Decluttering Quotes to Inspire and Motivate You
You are free to print these decluttering quotes, share them on Facebook or save them to Pinterest. Just use them in any way that will keep you motivated to simplify and declutter your home.
1. “Have Nothing In Your House That You Do Not Know To Be Useful Or Believe To Be Beautiful” ~William Morris
If you want a golden rule that will fit everything this is it! If you have things in your home that you do not love or that are not useful let them go.
2. “Clutter attracts clutter. Calm attracts calm.” ~ Courtney Carver
Our environment has a huge impact on how we feel. Clutter causes our stress levels to rise, this is a scientific fact. The opposite of this is of course a calm soothing environment, which will create an internal sense of calm.
3. “Maybe the life you’ve always wanted is buried under everything you own!” ~Joshua Becker
Because clutter takes up so much of our time it can easily become our focus. It then causes us to miss the experiences and time with the people that make up the life we long for.
4. “Our homes are not containers for stuff but rather a place for love and connection.” ~ Courtney Carver
Our homes should be a place of rest and a sanctuary from the outside world. If you are not walking into your home and feeling a sense of peace it’s time to clear the clutter.
5. “You’re the boss of clutter, not the other way around.” ~ Monika Kristofferson.
It’s time to stop letting your clutter control you. You decide what stays and goes. Take control of the clutter and simplify your life.
6. “If your stuff isn’t serving you, it won’t be servicing you any better packed away in a box somewhere.” – Melissa Camara Wilkins
If you’re not using the things in your home why in the world are you keeping them? There is no good reason to keep stuff stored away in a box. When you do it is costing you your time and resources to take care of and store the items.
7. “Never underestimate the importance of removing stuff you don’t need.” ~Becoming Minimalist
There is so much value in removing stuff you don’t need. Here are just a few of those benefits.
8. “Get rid of the trash to make room for the treasures. Let the things that are important take center stage.” ~Peter Walsh
When we hold on to things we do not use or love, the things we do love get lost among all the clutter. Remove the clutter to allow the things that are important to you to have their rightful place in your home.
9. “If you want to improve your life immediately, clean out a closet. Often what we hold onto holds us back.” -Cheryl Richardson
Often what we hold onto, is the thing interfering with our ability to achieve the life we dream of. Having a clean and decluttered home gives you clarity, creates a sense of calm, and allows you to see things more clearly.
10. “Remember that the money you spend on your item is gone. You are not any richer because you store this item in your home, and you won’t be any poorer if you let it go.” ~Cassandra Aarssen
Far too often we use the excuse that it would be a waste of money to let go of clutter because we spent a lot of money on those items. But the truth is holding on to your clutter does not bring that money back. It only costs you more of your time and resources to store the items and care for them.
11. “Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor, it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living” ~Peter Walsh.
Physical clutter is often an outward reflection of what is going on with the rest of your life. I have found the more I simplified my home, the more simplicity followed in my life.
12. “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs” ~ Henry Ford
Far too often we get overwhelmed in dealing with our clutter because we see it as one big task. Instead, if we break it down into small manageable pieces it is no longer so hard. So start today, pick a drawer, pick a corner or pick a small category of items to start decluttering.
13. “Once you have experienced what your house feels like when it is completely tidy in the true sense of the term, you will never want to return to clutter, and the strength of that feeling will empower you to keep it tidy.” ~ Marie Kondo
One drawer at a time, then one closet and before you know it you will be creating a home you truly love!
14. “When your home is filled with unnecessary junk and things you never use, it puts you in a mindset that you need more and more stuff rather than simply learning to appreciate what you already own.” ~Seth Cohen
This decluttering quote addresses the hard truth that clutter attracts clutter. When you’re surrounded by clutter it is nearly impossible to enjoy and appreciate the things you have.
15. “For the longest time, I thought I needed to be more organized. Now I know I just needed less stuff.” ~Alysa Bajenaru
The bottom line is you will never get organized if you have too much clutter. You need to clear the clutter then, and only then, will you be able to successfully organize what remains.
16. “Inexpensive is not a good reason to buy something, & expensive is not a good reason to keep something.” ~ Peter Walsh
We get caught up in buying things we don’t really need or love because we think we’re getting some great deal or sale price. The truth is all you’re doing is wasting money.
At the same time, we are afraid to let things go because they were expensive items. But the money is gone and holding on to the items will not bring that money back. Pass those items on to someone who will love and use them.
17. “Under the influence of clutter, we may underestimate how much time we’re giving to the less important stuff.” ~ Zoe Kim
There is no way around it, everything we own takes some amount of our time. We have to clean, maintain or care for all that stuff. This takes time away from the more important things in our life, the people and experiences.
18. “Stuff is not passive. Stuff wants your time, attention, allegiance. But you know it as well as I do, life is more important than the things we accumulate.” ~ Dave Bruno
I can’t emphasize enough, everything we own demands our time and attention. Clear the clutter and have more time for the things that matter.
19.“The stuff you own has to help you create the life you want. And if it doesn’t, why is it in your home?” ~ Peter Welsh
If the stuff you own does not add value to your life or make it easier in some way there is no reason to hold onto it.
20. “Don’t confuse having less with being less, having more with being more, or what you have with who you are.” ~ Unknown
It is easy to get caught in the lie that tells you that your success in life is based on how much you’ve accumulated. How big your home is or how new your car is.
But I am here to tell you that you are more than what you own. Having the latest iPhone model will not make you a better person. Being kind and focused on the people in your life is what matters, not the possessions you own!
21. “A home with fewer possessions is more spacious, more calming and more focused on the people who live inside it.” ~ Joshua Becker.
“Decluttering and simplifying becomes so much easier when you shift your focus from what you’re getting rid of, and instead, focus on what you are gaining. Making the choice to own less “stuff” gives you the opportunity to enjoy more life in your home!”
22. “If you keep something that you’re not using, then no one else can use it either.” ~Unknown
We are often afraid to get rid of things because we feel it is wasteful. However, the real waste comes from holding on to them. When we do we prevent them from being useful to anyone. Donate or pass on to family or friends those things you don’t use or love.
23.“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy – I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” ~Art Williams
Decluttering your home is hard work, period. It involves time and emotions. But I can promise you that it is worth the effort!
24. “Society says you need lots of stuff to be happy. They are wrong.” ~ Joshua Becker
We live in a consumer-driven society. We need to recognize that and realize that all this stuff we are told we “need” is not making us happy. In fact, it’s quite the opposite, clutter increases our stress.
25. “Simplicity is much easier to stick with when you focus on the more, not the less. You may have fewer items of clothing in your closet, but you have more space, more time to enjoy your morning, more opportunity to wear your favorite clothes. It’s not just a change in environment; it’s a change in mindset.” ~Courtney Carver
Our mindset has a lot to do with keeping us stuck in clutter. Adjust your mindset and focus. When you do clearing the clutter becomes much easier!
26. “Later is the best friend of clutter.” ~ Peter Welch
The more we procrastinate on clearing the clutter the more clutter we accumulate. Clutter loves our procrastination. Stop procrastinating and commit to clearing one thing today!
27. “When you live surrounded by clutter, it is impossible to have clarity about what you are doing in your life.” ~ Karen Kingston
Clutter interferes with the ability to think clearly, which makes it hard to get things done or focus on what we need. However, when we clear the clutter from our environment we are able to have the space needed to get clear on what we want from life.
28. “The secret to successful decluttering is this: You will never get organized if you don’t have a vision for the life you want. ~Peter Walsh
If you are not clear on why you’re decluttering in the first place it becomes nearly impossible to carry through with the tasks. Get clear on what you want from your life and seeing how clutter interferes with that becomes much easier.
29. “A small act is worth a million thoughts.” Ai Weiwei
It’s one thing to know you need to declutter and a whole nother thing to actually do the work. Far too often we spend a good amount of time thinking about decluttering our homes, but what counts is digging in little by little and getting rid of all the excess.
30. “The best way to enjoy your favorite things every day is to only own your favorite things.” ~ Courtney Carver
Take a look at the things in your life, the things you use every day. Are they your favorite things? When we have an abundance of clutter it’s easy for your favorite things to get buried among the excess. Having it all doesn’t require owning it all.
Some Finally Thoughts on Decluttering Your Home
Remember: Everything in your home, whether you use it or not, takes some amount of your time and resources. Your environment has a much bigger impact than you realize on your overall life. By clearing the clutter in your home you will clear space in your life for what matters most to you!
So pick your favorite decluttering quotes and write them down or print them out. Use them to inspire you to start getting rid of the clutter and create a home you love.
What quotes inspire you? I’d love to hear.
Kimmy DePaola says
These are all great quotes. One quote I heard on the Oprah show is “Your home should rise up and greet you.” I think it was said by Peter Walsh, but I’m not sure.
Kristal Marie says
That’s a great quote! Thank you for sharing.