It felt like the more clothes I owned, the less I had to wear. Getting dressed was downright frustrating. Not only that, but I seldom felt great in what I wore unless I’d gone out and purchased something new. Of course, my new purchase was often an unfruitful attempt to relieve stress.
Yep, this was me! Do you relate?
I said “was”, because I’m so thankful that is pretty much a thing of the past. What changed? I have been working on developing a capsule wardrobe and I love it!!
The average American family spends $1800 per year on clothing, which is huge. But this is our culture, it’s ingrained and we shop like this without even being aware of it.
However, looking into capsule wardrobes changed my thinking. At first, I was really apprehensive about the idea. To be honest, I like clothes and couldn’t imagine being limited to 33 items in total, including shoes and accessories. (I still can’t imagine I’ll get to this point, but you never know).
However, the more I looked into it and the more I worked on simplifying my entire life, it began to make sense. Plus I was very relieved to learn you don’t have to limit yourself to 33 or any other number of items!
Today, I have less in my closet which has resulted in so much more choices. It takes me so much less time to get ready and I feel so much more confident in what I am wearing.
So if you’re interested in the idea of a capsule wardrobe here are some tips to get started.
This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission if you purchase something mentioned in this post. See more details here.
What Is A Capsule Wardrobe
To start it’s important to look at what a capsule wardrobe is and isn’t.
The term “capsule wardrobe” was coined by Susie Faux in the 1970s. According to Faux, a capsule wardrobe is a collection of a few essential items of clothing that don’t go out of fashion, such as skirts, trousers, and coats, which can then be augmented with seasonal pieces.
But I really like this simple definition from un-fancy – “It’s a mini wardrobe made up of really versatile pieces that you completely LOVE to wear.”
Essentially, a capsule wardrobe consists of basic pieces that mix and match to make tons of outfits. It creates less clutter and less time to get ready while increasing your confidence.
Rather than having a closet filled with 100’s of items that don’t go together, you have maybe 33, 44, or even 55 pieces that all go together. It’s not about the number of items you have, it’s about the types of items you have. Quality pieces that mix and match allow you to create hundreds of outfits that make you feel amazing!
So don’t get hung up on numbers and set rules, it defeats the purpose of simplifying. A capsule wardrobe is all about clearing space so that you have the time and energy for what really matters.
The Benefits of a Capsule Wardrobe
Here is a shortlist of some of the benefits I’ve noticed as I’ve been building a capsule wardrobe.
- It is easier to make decisions on what to wear each day
- I get ready for my day much faster
- I always feel put together
- There are fewer laundry piles
- More space in my closet and drawers
- So much easier to organize and clean my bedroom
- I receive more compliments
- Developing a signature style
- More money in my bank account
A capsule wardrobe allows you to spend less time deciding what to wear, less time shopping, less time doing laundry or caring for clothes. In exchange, you gain more money, more contentment, and more time in your day for things that matter to you!
Getting Started
Now that you’re clear on what a capsule wardrobe is and its benefits, it’s time to start building your own capsule wardrobe. Starting a capsule wardrobe actually starts with cleaning out our closet. To do this most effectively you’re going to clean out your closet in steps.
Step 1 – Pull Everything Out
A big mistake people often make when cleaning out their closets is to go through the clothing while it’s still in the closet on the hangers. This seldom, if ever, really works.
Instead, you should completely empty your closet. That’s right, take everything in there and toss it on your bed or in a pile on the floor. I know, it sounds like a ton of work, and it is.
However, it’s the most effective way.
Step 2: Sort
Do the initial sort fairly quickly. Pretty much going off your instinct and first thoughts place each item into one of these four piles:
Trash – This is the easy one. These are the things that are damaged, ripped, stained, or have pilling all over them.
Donate – This pile consists of those things that are still in fairly good condition but you don’t wear. Either they no longer fit, match your season of life or you just don’t feel great in it.
Keep – These are your favorite pieces, the ones you would wear right now! It fits well. It’s right for your lifestyle. You feel comfortable and confident wearing it.
Unsure – This is for items that you can’t put your finger on it but you just don’t wear it much. Maybe the fit isn’t right, the color is a little off, they have sentimental value attached or it’s hard to part with because you paid a lot for it. Put all this stuff in a box. Grab a sharpie and put today’s date on the box and store it in the garage. If it’s still in the box at the end of three months you most likely don’t even remember what’s in there, it’s time to say goodbye. DO NOT OPEN THE BOX just place it in the back of your car and drop it off at your favorite donation center.
Step 3: Go Through Your Keep Pile a Second Time
You’ve made your initial decisions and now it’s time to be a lot more discerning with what you are truly going to keep.
This is the hardest part, you’re going to look at each piece that is the keep pile and ask these questions:
- Have I worn it in the last 12 months?
If the answer is no move to the donate pile - Does it still fit?
No – move to donate pile - Is it damaged
Yes – move to trash - Do I have multiples of the same thing?
Yes – get rid of a couple of the multiples - Would I buy it in a store today?
No – donate - Do I love the way it looks on me?
For a no answer move to the donate pile - Can I mix and match it with most things in my closet?
No – donate, having a lot of pieces that don’t go together is what makes getting dressed so difficult.
Here are a couple more questions I consider in deciding what to keep:
- Is it comfortable – comfort is important to me!
- Will I wear it often? – I don’t want a lot of things I won’t wear often
- Can I dress it up or down? I try to own versatile pieces that I can easily dress up with some jewelry, a kimono, or heals.
Let go of everything that isn’t working for you or making you feel amazing. You should love everything you own. Whether running errands to the store or on a fancy dinner date, you deserve to feel fantastic every day!
There is one exception to the above. When it comes to seasonal items, things like warm coats or even that little black dress that you don’t wear often, but when it’s time, you need it, keep those items because you’ll use them when the time rolls around!
Things to Keep in Mind While Building Your Capsule
Congrats! Going through your closet was a big job! From here, I suggest a shopping freeze for a time. Living with what you have for a little while will help you figure out what it is you really need. Make note of any gaps you’d like to fill in your wardrobe.
Now that you have a good idea of what you really need, make a plan, and then shop for the missing pieces.
1. Start with basics.
Basics are those pieces that can mix and match with everything you already own.
When shopping for basics be willing to spend a little extra money on quality pieces. You want basics that will last and feel great on. Because basics go with everything you wear them more often so quality is important.
But here is the thing, even though you may pay $30 for a quality t-shirt when you’re used to paying $10, in the end, you are actually saving money.
When I was buying t-shirts just because they were inexpensive, they didn’t last, and because all I had was a bunch of cheap shirts I didn’t want to wear them. I actually ended up spending more money while trying to spend less.
Now when it comes to basics I am willing to invest a few extra dollars to make sure these items last and fit me well.
2. Purchase a couple of fun pieces with patterns and color
If you have nothing in your closet except the basics of black, white, and grey you’re going to get bored really fast. Make sure you include a few fun pieces to keep things interesting.
Patterns can actually be neutrals, look for a patterned blouse or pants that can be paired with your basics.
Just be careful not to add too many trendy pieces. Focus on adding timeless classic pieces. You can have fun with trends but only add one or two pieces.
3. Include layering pieces!
Layers are absolutely a part of my signature style. I love to add a lightweight jacket, sweater, or kimono over my outfits. Honestly, even a pair of shorts and a plain white t-shirt can suddenly make you feel pulled together when you add a kimono and a pair of earrings.
4. Be true to your style and season of life
Pinterest has no shortage of captivating pictures of all types of capsule wardrobes. They are great for inspiration. However, what works for someone else will not necessarily work for you. Find what works for you. When I worked in an office I needed more business attire. Today my wardrobe is much more casual.
To make your wardrobe work for you, think about your lifestyle and how you spend your time.
Maintaining Your Capsule Wardrobe
Now that you’ve gone through all the work of creating an awesome capsule you want to take a few simple steps to maintain it.
The key to maintaining your capsule is to be intentional about removing items you no longer wear or love to make room for the new items.
I love the one in, one out rule. When you follow this rule, every time you add something to your wardrobe, find something to take out in its place. There may be occasions when you will add without removing and that’s okay. But if you only add new clothes, without ever removing anything, you’ll be right back where you started.
Invest in some quality hangers to take care of your clothes. It’s amazing how much easier it will be for you to pick out your clothes in the morning if they’re beautiful and well taken care of.
Use beautiful storage bins to store seasonal clothes or shoes on the top or bottom of your closet.
Keep one storage basket in your bedroom or closet exclusively for the clothes that you no longer want. Once the basket is full donate the items.
I have become slightly obsessed with Carly Jean Los Angeles, as are most who follow her. It’s a capsule shop that basically does all the work for you. The pieces she sells are all designed to mix and match with each other. This is not an affiliate link, I’ve just been super happy with all my purchases from her shop. I love that all the basics they carry are made locally, high quality and so, so soft and comfy. I do have a warning – if you follow them on Instagram, their stories will make you want everything.
A capsule wardrobe is about simplicity. It’s not ever buying anything new. The goal here isn’t to ban shopping. The goal is to simplify your life so that you have room for the things that matter most. Like looking and feeling fabulous!!
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