One of the hardest groups to buy for on your Christmas list is the college student. If you are looking…
How to Ensure a Simpler Christmas
Talk of simplifying the holidays seems to become a more and more popular topic each year, as this time of…
7 Areas of Your Life You Need to Simplify
Do you find yourself dreaming of ways to simplify your life while your days are filled with unimportant, but must-do…
Practical Steps When Decluttering Your Home Seems Impossible
We all want a clutter-free and organized home. However, it’s not always easy to accomplish, in fact, there are times…
When Decluttering A Small House 5 Rules You Need To Know
Decluttering a small house or apartment is just different. In a lot of ways, it’s harder than decluttering a larger…
9 Things That Are Complicating Your Life
It’s easy to make things simple within your four walls, then you walk out the door, and nope life is…
Realistic Minimalism – When You Enjoy Shopping
Recently I was with a group of people and we were talking about simplifying and minimalism. One of the ladies…
9 Products that Will Help You Save Money and the Environment
Part of a simple living or minimalist lifestyle involves not buying all the latest gadgets or extra stuff that you…