Seriously, EVERY TIME I’ve been talking to her mom, while she waits patiently for us to finish our conversation the girl is organizing any drawer or countertop around. It’s just what she does. While we’re talking she opens a drawer and starts straightening and organizing.
I have to admit that this is so not me. I was not given the organization gene. Don’t get me wrong, I’m actually a very organized person today. However, it doesn’t come naturally to me. I work at it.
You might find yourself longing for the organization gene or thinking “Wow I wish I could be this organized”. Well, I have news for you, you can be that organized!
5 Major Benefits of Being Organized
It’s a simple matter of motivation. One of the top ways to work up some motivation is to look at the advantages of being organized. Honestly, there’s an instant interest when you consider the benefits of being organized.
In fact, understanding the actual advantages of being organized, makes the hard work of cleaning up totally worth it. So to help stir up your motivation, here are 5 life-changing advantages of being organized.
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1. Being Organized Increases Productivity
It’s not too much of a stretch to realize that stress and depression also robs us of our ability to focus.
When you’re in a disorganized environment your brain gets distracted by everything it’s taking in. This lack of focus increases the time it takes to accomplish the most basic tasks.
In addition, the average American spends 2.5 days each year looking for lost items. That’s a lot of lost time that could be spent focusing on what matters most to you.
Without question, being organized helps everyone to be more efficient and effective. When you have a specific spot for keys and an organized closet, it’s easy to get everyone out of the house quickly.
Creating family calendars, systems and routines makes our day-to-day lives so much easier to manage. In turn, we’re able to accomplish more of what matters most.
2. Reduces Stress
There’s no getting around it, the more cluttered your home is the more stress you feel. It’s a scientific fact. Yep, that’s right, according to an in-depth UCLA study involving thirty-two families people who lived in cluttered homes, those families experienced higher levels of stress and depression.
The study found that those who often refer to their homes with words like “not fun” and “very chaotic” were more likely to experience fatigue, depression, and higher cortisol levels.
The “Cortisol data shows a link between verbal characterizations of[chronically messy, cluttered rooms or unfinished remodeling projects and higher stress level.
On the other hand, those who characterized their homes as restful, restorative, or tidy had lower stress levels.
The results of this study are not surprising, we all know that coming home to face piles of clutter, and a page long to-do-list, is the perfect recipe for more stress and anxiety in our life.
It’s time to heed the warning and use it as motivation to finally get organized.
If you’re unsure where to start, I have plenty of posts on eliminating clutter. A good post to start with is “How to Get Started On A Clutter-Free Home” or “How to Get Motivated to Declutter” for more motivational tips.
3. Stick to Goals
The number one reason people don’t succeed in their goals is that they fail to plan. A haphazard approach to accomplishing what matters most to you never works. In fact, it’s what makes us give up on our goals.
Whether you’re seeking to dig yourself out of a pile of debt, simplify your life, get in shape, or have more family time, the way to get there is by setting goals. When you set goals some level of organization is necessary to stick with them.
Why? Because accomplishing your goals is about creating systems and sticking to them. A daily or weekly routine, a consistent application of even small habits, will transform your life.
Let me put it bluntly if you’re a disorganized mess, it’s because you lack proper systems in routines. Let’s make those dreams a reality and put some organized systems and routines in your life.
I’ve got you covered to get started setting up those systems and routines, just click here.
4. Improve Your Diet
Do you realize that when your home is organized you’re twice as likely to choose healthy options? This is one of the great advantages of being organized!
If your home is chronically disorganized there is no way you’re taking the time to meal plan and prep. Without regular meal planning the go-to is convenience packaged food, junk food, or eating out. Because you haven’t planned out meals there’s not much in the fridge and you have no clue what to fix for dinner, it’s late you’re tired, so the drive through it is.
However, having an organized home means more time and energy to prep healthy foods. When I’m staying organized and on top of things, I take the time every Sunday evening to plan out my meals for the week.
When I get groceries, I immediately prep my fruits and veggies for the week. Place them in stasher bags or this OXO produce keeper and they stay fresh the entire week. Having everything prepped and handy makes it easy to choose healthy options.
Also, I exercise more when everything is neat and organized. I don’t spend that extra time cleaning up or worrying about the fact that I should be cleaning up. Instead, I have time and energy to get out and go for a hike, a walk, or exercise right at home.
You are worth getting organized for. It’s time to help you and your family live that healthy lifestyle you long for. So get yourself organized and reap the wonderful health benefits. How’s that for motivation!
5. You will Save Money
One of my big pet peeves is buying something only to find that exact same item buried in the garage or the back of a closet. Ugh…
If this has been a struggle in your home, these types of purchases can end up costing you a pretty significant sum of wasted money for items that you already have.
Not gonna lie to you, this still happens from time to time, but one of the advantages of being organized is that it happens a lot less. The simple truth is that organization keeps you from buying items you already have, but you’ve forgotten about or lost somewhere in the recesses of your house.
In addition, taking the time to get organized means wasting less food, and wasting less money on groceries you don’t eat. When you regularly meal plan you save money at the store because you won’t have to buy as much and you don’t waste what you do buy because you have a plan for using it up!
Another big way I’ve saved money by finally getting organized is when it comes to paying the bills. Even if I had the exact figures, I think I’d be too embarrassed to admit how much money I’ve wasted on late fees.
By being organized you won’t find past-due bills or library books you forgot about. Instead, you’ll know exactly where everything is and be able to use that extra money on the things you enjoy.
At the end of the day, the advantages of being organized are about having more time for you and allowing you to live a more intentional life. It’s about clearing space for what matters most.
When you’re tempted to let the disorganization continue, stop, and focus on these truths. Allow them to motivate you to get organized and live your best life. After all, this is your one and only chance at life, deserve to make it one you love!
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