Healthy Eating Scholarship from
Application Deadline:
May 15, 2016
Award Amount:
Three scholarships will be awarded, one worth $1,500, one worth $1,000, and one worth $500.
Eligibility Requirements:
All graduating high school students and to all students currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program. Entries will be judged on the basis of an essay between 500 and 1,000 words in length that addresses the following question:
Who inspires you to live a healthy lifestyle and why? What impact have they had on your life? What have you learned from them?
To apply:
Send an email to with the Subject Line “Student Application for Spring 2016 Term”. In the body of your email, include: your full legal name;
the name of your educational institution; the expected year of your graduation; your intended or current major or field of study; Attach your essay in a readable text format with the following naming convention: YourLastName_YourFirstName_ScholarshipEssay.filetype (e.g. Doe_John_ScholarshipEssay.pdf)
For complete details visit
Defensive Driving Scholarship
Application Deadline:
May 31, 2016
Award Amount:
Eligibility Requirements:
Open to high school seniors or college students who are legal residents of the United States. Student must enroll in semester beginning no later than Fall 2016. Home-schooled students may apply so long as your course of study is equivalent to a high school senior.
To Apply:
Go to Defensive Driving Website for complete details and application. You will be required to submit a video (see “Make A Video” tab for details). You will also be required to “like”’s Facebook page to be considered.
Carole Simpson Scholarship
Application Deadline:
May 31, 2016.
Award Amount:
Eligibility Requirements:
Students who will be sophomores, juniors or seniors at the time the scholarship is awarded, pursuing careers in radio, television, or digital journalism. Winners must be officially enrolled, full-time sophomores or above in good standing when scholarships are awarded.
To Apply:
Visit Complete the online application form, which requires: URL links to 3-5 work samples; a cover letter discussing your current and past journalism experience, how you intend to use the funds, and your choice to pursue a career in journalism. You will also need to submit a resume and letter of recommendation from a professor, advisor, or supervisor.
Make sure to apply for these scholarships and make today your favorite day!!
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