In March we start to shed the heavy clothing, our closed-up homes and everything weighty. March is the perfect time for new beginnings and simplifying. Things just naturally feel lighter.
Taking positive steps to simplify this month not only helps you take control, but it helps you enjoy life more. Simplifying leads to more time, more money, closer relationships, and less stress. That is the perfect way to usher in the new season.
Read on for 31 useful ways to simplify this month.
But first, you may want to download this free simplicities calendar for March. Print out the calendar and use it as a reference all month long. You can also get a jump start on your spring cleaning with a simple decluttering task for each week of the month.
Download the PDF version here!
In case you missed them, click for the January and February Simplicity Calendars.
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1. Remove all Furnishings From One Room
Don’t worry I haven’t gone completely crazy. This is a trick I learned from The Nesting Place (Her book, the Cozy Minimalist Home is a must read!). What you want to do is move everything out of the room you’re working on into another space.
Now you’re only going to bring back the things you love and the things you need. As you live in the space, slowly add back in those items that you miss. Everything else gets decluttered.
2. Declutter All Drinkware
Glasses and mugs tend to be one of the biggest clutter areas in the kitchen. We have way more than we need and this is what causes those dishes to pile up in the sink. After all, it’s so much easier to reach for a clean glass from the cupboard than to wash a dirty one.
I recommend keeping two glasses for each member of the family and decluttering the remainder. This same rule applies to mugs.
Allowing two per person also ensures you’ll have enough for any guests you may have over.
3. Make Your Lunch For The Week
I’m one of those people that struggle not to hit the snooze button 10 times before actually getting out of bed. If there’s too much to do in the morning, like getting everyone’s lunches ready, it just complicates the entire day.
To make mornings a little simpler, prepare lunches for the entire week. Then all you have to do is just grab and go. It’s one less thing you have to think about. Setting aside one day each week to prepare lunches will help simplify this month.
4. Visit a Bookstore
There’s something about real-life paper books that just say stop slow down. A book store is a favorite place to browse, have a seat and flip through the pages of great books. It frees your soul from the worries of the world. When you’re done life really does feel a little simpler.
5. Switch to the Cloud
If you haven’t done this, you need to! The cloud makes things so much simpler. Switching to the cloud eliminates a lot of clutter since you no longer need to store photos, documents, DVDs, or CDs.
But my favorite part is that I have access to whatever I uploaded to the cloud whenever I need it. Plus there’s no need to worry about losing important documents, photos, or even music. It’s all right there in the cloud.
6. Volunteer
Volunteering at an organization near and dear to your heart has the ability to make you feel like you’re the one being blessed. Something about being there for others brings that feeling of true joy every time.
Not only that, but volunteering helps take our focus off our own circumstances. When you’re serving others, you realize your problems are not so big.
7. Watch an Old Movie
Without a doubt, the pace of our world has increased. Spending a couple of hours watching a movie from a simpler time is a fantastic motivator to slow down and gain back some of that simplicity in your own life.
8. Take a Spontaneous Weekend Get Away With the Family
From time to time we all get caught up in the day-to-day busyness of life and fail to put time and effort into our family relationships. However, it’s important to be purposeful in cultivating strong relationships with our family.
How fun would it be to grab everyone for a spontaneous weekend getaway! You don’t need to go anywhere fancy. If you’re on a tight budget, even a trip to the beach and a stay at the local Motel 6 will bring memories you’ll cherish for a lifetime.
9. Tell a Loved One What You Appreciate About Them
There’s always something we appreciate about the ones we love. Why not let them know! After all who doesn’t love receiving a kind word. I promise you’ll make their entire day.
Knowing you’ve brightened the day of someone you love will make your day as well!
Remember this is what simplifying your life to make time for what really matters is all about!
10. Plan Your Day The Night Before
When asked what was the most effective thing I did to simplify my life, I have to say, after decluttering, it was having regular planning sessions.
By planning your day the night before, you know what the necessaries are before the day even starts. I also have a plan for what I’ll be wearing, what I’ll be cooking for dinner, household tasks for the day, and errands that need to be run.
Planning out these essentials makes the next day run smoothly even if obstacles are tossed in.
11. Start a Gratitude Journal
When you keep a gratitude journal you gain a new perspective of what’s important. Also, a gratitude journal shows you there’s always something to truly appreciate in your life.
A gratitude journal will help simplify this month because you’ll gain clarity on what you want more of in your life as well as what you can eliminate as you write down the positives from your day!
To focus on what really matters I encourage you to start a gratitude journal today!
12. Try Out a New HairStyle
Sometimes when life feels complicated, all we need is a little change. Trying out a new hairstyle or changing up the way you do your make-up may be just what you need for things to feel a little lighter.
13. Do a Crossword Puzzle
Crossword puzzles are a good way to slow down because they engage your brain but don’t require a lot of time or heavy thinking. For today, instead of turning on the t.v. pick up a crossword puzzle book.
14. Buy Someone a Gift For No Reason
I use to do this regularly and I seriously need to get back at it. Surprising one of your favorite people with a little gift is so fun. It lets them know that you were thinking of them. Plus, finding the perfect little something and wrapping it all nice and pretty makes you feel just as good as your recipient!
15. Watch The Sunset
I can’t think of any place where God’s beauty and majesty and grace are displayed more than in watching a sunset. Neither the most expensive camera nor the greatest artist can come close to capturing the true beauty of a sunset.
Every stress and every worry just kind of melts away in those few moments that you’re fully captivated by the sunset.
If you haven’t watched a sunset lately, this evening is the perfect time to do so!
16. Declutter all Extra Plates and Dishes
When it comes to decluttering extra plates and dishes, the same principles apply as those for decluttering the drinkware.
If you have multiple serving dishes keep only what you genuinely need and use. Declutter the rest.
A big issue I often hear when it comes to decluttering the plates and dishes is that many have an extra set of fine or fancy dinnerware. But my question is why are you holding onto it if you’re not using it? Either use it or get rid of it!
17. Cook Up Some Green Eggs
You don’t have to be Irish to celebrate St. Patty’s day. Any excuse for a celebration is a good one!
Adding a few drops of green food coloring to the morning’s eggs is a fun and festive way to make the day special. Really you can’t get much simpler than that for creating lasting memories.
18. Go Out To Lunch By Yourself
There’s something about getting alone that gives you a certain level of clarity. To be truthful, I’ve always felt a bit awkward sitting at a restaurant by myself. However, sitting at an outdoor cafe’ and people watching is very different.
I think it’s the change of scenery that helps you to focus in a new way. It’s a nice way to sit and do some planning and thinking about what direction you would like to see your life heading.
19. Write Down One Thing You Love About Yourself
I don’t know why it’s so hard for us to appreciate ourselves. But we need to learn how to because in order to genuinely love others we need to love ourselves.
To help, start with the written word, it is powerful. Writing down one or two things you truly love about yourself gives you a renewed sense of confidence and purpose.
20. Learn Something New
Simplifying your life has a different meaning for different people. However, at its core, it’s about enjoying your life more. And here’s the thing, self-confident people tend to enjoy life more.
Self-confidence is about believing in yourself. This starts to happen as you’re learning new things and doing well at them or displaying the courage to try them.
So think of one thing you have an interest in and start learning.
21. Remove Something From Your To-Do List
No matter how much we simplify this month, our schedules get crowded from time to time. Give yourself a break and remove one thing from today’s to-do list. Choose to be intentional with your time, it’s a limited asset.
22. File Your Taxes
Okay, I know filing your taxes isn’t exactly simple. No one really wants to do it, but putting off your taxes and procrastinating is so much worse.
If you haven’t had your taxes prepared yet, do them now. You’ll let out a sigh of relief when they’re done. Plus you don’t have to think about them again for another year!
23. Declutter Towels and Linens
When it comes to decluttering the towels and linens you’re gonna apply the same principles you did for decluttering the drinkware and dishes. Again, there is no reason to keep more than two sets of towels or linens for each person.
One of the things I’ve been doing to simplify is to purchase all white towels and linens. It makes laundry day so much easier. However, as I’ve been enforcing the do your own laundry policy, I will be color-coding the towels. Each person will be assigned their own color. We’ll see how this works, I’ll let you know.
24. Set Goals For Next Month
If you’ve downloaded the January or February simplicity calendars, you know there are eight key areas of life that I set goals for each month. These areas involve my relationships, home, health, finances, career/business, spiritual growth, and self-care. Setting monthly goals in each of these areas keeps my focus so that I accomplish those things that matter most to me.
Spend some time today setting out some goals that you’d like to accomplish in the month of April. Make sure they include goals for those areas of life that matter most to you!
25. Plan a No Spend Week
Debt feels anything but simple.
To simplify your finances it’s always a good idea to plan out a no-spend week every now and again. This is just a week you commit to spending no money, other than on essentials. Think no Starbucks or trips to Target.
With the money you save, apply that to any outstanding debt.
26. Grow WindowCeil Herbs
Spring is in the air! It’s time to get those herb gardens going.
There are so many benefits to a window herb garden this time of year. First, plants are excellent at clearing out pollutants from the air. Next, you avoid an unnecessary trip to the grocery store because you ran out of your favorite herb. They make great decor and just look cute. Best of all, plants create an instant calming environment.
27. Fly A Kite
When is the last time you actually flew a kite? I’m willing to bet, if you really think about it, you had a ton of fun. Being out in the cool air, in a wide-open space, what’s not to love!
28. Get a Manicure
A huge part of simplifying involves self-care. Taking the time to take care of yourself makes life feel so much simpler.
So my question is, what have you done to take care of yourself lately? If it’s been a while, spend the day treating yourself to a manicure. You will feel relaxed and cared for when you do!
At a minimum treat yourself to some new nail polish. Here’s my favorite, this stuff really is a miracle.
29. Color
We all need to feel like a kid every now and then. Coloring is the perfect way to do just that! It’s so relaxing. There’s a reason for the adult coloring craze. It really does make life feel simpler. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself an adult coloring book and some coloring pencils to go with it!
30. Declutter Under the Bathroom Sink
This is one of those areas that can easily get overrun with clutter. You’re very likely to find things you didn’t even know were under there.
The easiest way to handle this project is to take everything out and then go through it. Toss anything that’s expired. Also, toss all items you didn’t know were there. If you didn’t remember having them you don’t need them. See if you can find a better home for some items that may have just been shoved in there.
With the items that are left, invest in a couple of inexpensive containers for corralling the like items together.
31. Write Down The Most Memorable Event From March
Take just a few moments to reflect back on the month. Jot down at least one memorable event. This helps you focus on the positive and see how your effort to simplify this month is moving you closer toward those things that genuinely matter most.
There you have it, 31 ways to simplify this month!
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