Life is complicated no matter what stage we’re in, simplifying is not always easy. It requires intention and consistency.
To help you stay consistent, starting this month I’ll be releasing 30+ ways to simplify each month. There will be a simplicities calendar for you to download for free. Just click the image below.
31 Ways to Simplify Your Life This January
Don’t let the special moments slip by because you’re too busy. Develop rhythms and routines, regularly plan for the big things, and then commit to slowing down enough to enjoy the little things.
Let’s get started with 31 little things you can do each day this month to bring a little simplicity into your life.
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1. Pick a Word for the Year
Every year I pick one word that represents what I want to focus on throughout the year and will guide me in keeping that focus. It represents my aspirations for how I want the year to go! Having a word for the year keeps you on track to ensure you are focusing on what matters most.
It also helps you to stop focusing on the wrong things. You know that if something doesn’t line up with your word, you don’t need to focus on it.
2. Invest in a Good Planner
One of the most important aspects of simplifying life is keeping our day-to-day tasks organized. I’ve found that if I don’t have these basic tasks planned out and easily accessible, my whole week gets out of whack.
When this happens I end up wasting time and money. The result is more stress and more overwhelm. Having a simple planner with all of my daily tasks in one place is essential to staying productive and managing my time well.
Everyone who is a part of my email lists receives a free all-in-one printable planner, sign-up below.
Or if you want a hard copy planner, I highly recommend the Living Well Spending Less Planner. This LWSL planner, not only allows you to plan out your day-to-day tasks but allows you to keep track of and accomplish goals. It also has some great budgeting pages. You can see the LWSL planner here.
3. Get Some Exercise
Let’s face it, everything feels hard when you’re not at your best physically. Get those positive endorphins flowing and get your body moving. If you haven’t exercised in a while, you’ll be amazed at how much simpler things feel by taking time for yourself and getting your body at its best.
4. Go To Bed Early
Start your week off right by getting a full night’s sleep. Most of us are sleep-deprived, getting less and less sleep as the week goes on. Make a commitment to get to bed a little earlier. Your body and your attitude will thank you!
5. Declutter The Silverware Drawer
Do you really need 20 spoons? Most of us have way more silverware than we need. This just allows everyone to grab a new spoon every time they walk into the kitchen. By limiting the amount of silverware you have, you’ll limit the number of dishes you have to wash each day. How’s that for simplifying!
6. Set Goals For The Year
Goals give you direction when it comes to achieving things you’ve always wanted to! They’re also a great way to develop and stick to those new habits you know you should be working on.
When setting goals for the year, know that this is your permission to dream big! You have the entire year before you! How do you want to see the year-end? What are the things you really want to accomplish? Write them down and set up a plan to make them happen!
7. Make Homemade Pizza
Friday night pizza night has been a tradition for many years now. However, we each have a different favorite topping which would sometimes make takeout a little challenging.
To simplify I started making homemade pizza. It’s a great way to get everyone involved and let them have their favorite topping. To make it even simpler, just pick up the pre-made dough.
8. Drink Lots of Water
Staying hydrated is important. With our busy schedules, it’s easy to forget to drink enough water until we find ourselves thirsty. By the time you’re feeling thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Make it easy on yourself, invest in a quality water bottle, and carry it with you at all times.
9. Call A Friend
Being the extreme introvert I am, I need reminders for this. Taking the time to strengthen those important relationships is so important. Having solid relationships in our life is what makes life worth living. It’s always worth taking a few moments to make that call.
10. Read A Book
This was my favorite thing to do as a child. Even as an adult, there is something so wonderful about getting lost in a good book. It just kind of forces everything to stop. Take some time today to cuddle up with a book that’s been on your I want to read list! Here’s a good one, if you need ideas!
11. Light a Candle
There’s something so soothing about a flickering flame. It creates an instant feeling of warmth and calm. Pick a candle with a favorite scent and take a moment to sit and enjoy.
12. Declutter the Bathroom Medicine Cabinet
This is another decluttering project that shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. Take everything out. Throw away anything expired or unusable. Wipe down the shelves and group like items together when you put them back. Now you’re done and have accomplished some real decluttering!
13. Make a Meal Plan
Nothing makes life more complicated than coming home to a house full of starving people and having no idea what to feed them! Setting aside a few moments at the beginning of the month, or a week, to write out a plan for meals puts an end to so much of that weeknight stress.
14. Send A Thank You Note
Is there someone in your life that you’re thankful for? Why not let them know! Receiving a simple card that says thank you for being you will make their day.
The wonderful thing about kindness is that it bounces back on you, making you feel great! This is what simplifying your life to make time for what really matters is all about!
15. Put Away Your Phone For The Day
This is not easy, but it will feel great! Most of life’s best moments happen in those unstructured margins of your day.
You don’t want to miss these events by being worried about your phone. Stop thinking about how this will look on Instagram or Facebook. Put away your phone and just be present.
In the end, your phone is not what’s important, it’s the people in your life.
16. Order Take Out For Dinner
Do I need to say more? You deserve to give yourself the night off?
17. Buy Fresh Flowers
I love fresh flowers, They instantly bring a sense of beauty and calm to any space. In fact, fresh flowers are probably one of my favorite ways to treat myself.
It’s a simple act that can lift your spirits for the entire week. So next time you’re at the grocery store, stop and pick up a bouquet of your favorite fresh flowers!
18. Have a Family Night
Because relationships make up so much of our lives, it’s important to strengthen the good ones. Of course, the best ones of all are your family relationships.
With family, it’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day busyness of life. But we have to be purposeful in taking the time to cultivate strong relationships with our family. The simplest way to do this is to put it on the calendar so that you’re sure to plan regular family nights.
19. Declutter The Bathroom Toiletries
We all have them, those little bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, and mouthwash that came as samples or from your last vacation. Add in those partially used bottles of lotion or hair products you didn’t really like and you have some pretty stuffed cabinets and drawers.
When you have too many of them they become clutter.
It’s time to take everything out and get rid of what you’re not using.
20. Create a Budget
One of the leading causes of stress in relationships is finances. When finances are out of control, everything feels out of control. The best way to conquer this is to simply make a plan. With a budget, you tell your money where to go, rather than the other way around.
Take some time to finally write out that budget you’ve been putting off and get your finances simplified. If you need some help getting started, here are some easy ways to Declutter Your Finances.
21. Have a Dance Party at Home
Finding ways to simplify is all about being able to enjoy life! How fun and simple is to throw your own little dance party. Turn up the volume and get moving. You can involve the entire family or enjoy a party of one. Just get moving to your favorite tunes and have fun!
22. Play a Board Game
Make togetherness an ongoing part of your schedule. Whether it’s just family or you invite a few friends over, board games bring everyone together for a slow and wonderful time.
23. Go To The Beach
The beach and simplicity are synonyms to me. You get to see God’s immense power while enjoying His peace and the comfort of the rolling waves. The beach always relaxes and refreshes me. If you don’t live near a beach find your place that’s guaranteed to relax and refresh your spirit.
24. Go to a Farmers Market
Hands down one of my favorite things to do. I love strolling through a farmer’s market enjoying all the fresh produce of the season and the beautiful flowers. My favorite farmers’ market also has wonderful handmade items from skilled artisans. Everything about a farmers market says slow and simple.
25. Plan a Girls Night Out
It seems like the older I get the harder it becomes to find time just to hang out with my girlfriends. But when I do, we always have such a great time just laughing and enjoying one another. Everything instantly feels so much lighter and simpler.
26. Declutter Your Small Kitchen Appliances
I think just about all of us have at least one or two appliances, things like blenders, mixers, toasters, and more, that we don’t use. Today’s the day to get rid of those appliances that are just taking up space.
If you haven’t used it in a year, seriously it’s time for it to go! You deserve a clutter-free Kitchen.
Also let go of any duplicates, items that don’t work or need a major repair. Next look at any one-hit wonders you have. These are those things that something else you already own and use could perform the same task. Multiple task items make so much more sense and really help cut down on the clutter.
27. Plan Out Next Month’s Goals
There are seven even important areas in which I like to plan out monthly goals. They consist of my relationships, home environment or projects, health and fitness, my finances, career/business, spiritual growth, and self-care. Each month set a specific goal in each of these important areas. By doing this, I’m able to keep my focus where it’s most important and accomplish those things that matter most to me.
28. Try a New Recipe
Cooking is most certainly not my thing, probably because I’m not very good at it. However, something that does make it a bit more fun is trying out new recipes. I’ll admit sometimes my family feels like I’m experimenting on them. But it’s an excellent way to take the drudgery out of preparing nightly meals.
29. Start a Capsule Wardrobe
A simplified wardrobe comprised of clothes you absolutely love means less money spent shopping AND less time to get ready in the morning. A capsule wardrobe is simply pieces that mix and match and all go together. If you want more details here’s a guide on starting your own?
30. Have a Warm Drink
There’s just something about sitting with a warm drink on a chilly morning or evening. It creates a feeling of both comfort and relaxation. It seems to make everything just kind of slow down.
31. Write Down Your Most Memorable Event From The Month
Take just a few moments to reflect back on the month. This helps you focus on the positive and see how your efforts to simplify really are moving you closer toward those things that genuinely matter most.
There you have it, 31 ways to simplify in the month of January! Make sure to check back next month for more ways to simplify in February.
susan Susan|Conron says
Love this and know I , and my family , will benefit if I stick to it .