All of this makes September the perfect time to slow down and make simplifying a part of our regular routine.
30 Quick and Easy Ways to Simplify Your Life
This month’s simplicities calendar has several quick and easy ways to simplify your life and build those into a part of your regular routine.
Of course, there are also some wonderful ideas on ways to incorporate those things that matter most by slowing down and being present in the moment. Take time to have some fun and relax before we enter the busy holiday season.
I hope this month’s simplicity calendar inspires you to simplify. Be sure to download the calendar and keep it handy all month long. Just click the image below.
If you missed last month’s calendar you can grab that here.
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1. Automate Your Savings
I firmly believe that having a strong savings account makes life feel so much simpler. There’s comfort in knowing that if an unexpected financial situation comes up you’ll be able to handle it.
The simplest way to grow your savings is to automate it. Simply set up a Direct Deposit of 10% or more of your paycheck to go straight into your savings account.
2. Watch the Sunset
I can’t think of any place where God’s beauty and majesty are displayed more grandly than in a sunset. Neither the most expensive camera nor the greatest artist can come close to capturing the true beauty of a sunset.
Every stress and every worry just kind of melts away in those few moments when you’re fully captivated by the sky.
If it’s been a while since you’ve watched a sunset, this evening is the perfect time to do so! It’s a quick and easy way to simplify that will last for hours.
3. Take a Bath
This is something most of us don’t do nearly enough. Taking a few extra moments to sit in a warm bath is such a practical way to simplify. It doesn’t take a lot of extra time, but the results are immeasurable. Especially when you add lots of bubbles, a couple of candles, and a good book!
4. Have a Social Media Free Day
Studies have shown that excessive social media consumption is linked to an increase in depression and anxiety. This means we all need a break from time to time. And if the thought of going a day without social media increases your anxiety, well then you definitely need a break.
Depending on your level of social media intake, this may not be a quick and easy way to simplify, but it will feel great!
Most of life’s best moments happen in those unstructured margins of your day. You don’t want to miss these events by being worried about your phone. Stop thinking about how this will look on Instagram or Facebook. Put away your phone and just be present.
5. Go See a Movie
Movies have gotten to be so expensive so they are a treat around here. But there is a local dollar theater that we enjoy going to.
Spending a couple of hours watching a movie is a fantastic motivator to slow down and gain back some of that simplicity in your life.
6. Try out a New Restaurant
Life feels simpler when you’re enjoying and creating new experiences. A fun new experience you can do anytime is trying out a new restaurant. It seems like there’s always some new restaurant popping up. You never know it just may become your new favorite.
If you have one in mind try it out tonight. Otherwise, ask for a recommendation or get out and explore then pick one that sounds good!
7. Declutter Shopping Bags
In California and many other states, plastic shopping bags have been banned. You have to bring your own reusable bags or purchase bags. Well, until I figured out a way to consistently remember my reusable bags, let’s just say we ended up with quite the collection of bags.
I was looking for my picnic cooler the other day and discovered just how extensive our collection was. If you’ve amassed your own collection of reusable bags today is the day to get rid of all the ones you don’t need.
8. Pick out Your Clothes for the Week
My evening routine is one of the top things I do to simplify my mornings. Part of my routine involves setting out my clothes for the next day. I pick out my clothes the night before and make sure they’re wrinkle-free, this way I don’t have to waste busy morning time trying to figure out what to wear.
Making a habit of picking out your clothes the night before is a quick and easy way to simplify your life.
9. Swap out Plastic Food Storage for Eco-friendly Options
I’ve been asked what environmental issues have to do with simplifying your life. Well, the answer is easy. The environment and the things we do that impact the environment also impact our health. When we are not healthy life is complicated.
By swapping out one product you use regularly for a more natural eco-friendly alternative you have a quick and easy way to simplify your life. These food wraps are great to replace plastic bags. I’ve never been a fan of stainless steel straws, these are a great alternative.
10. Clear Out Your Email Inbox
This should be a regular habit. The @thelaminimalist posts reminders every Sunday. Depending on how much is in your inbox this may not be quick or easy, but it’s okay to go slow. I like to start backward and work my way up, meaning I start with the oldest emails first.
Any emails you know you’ll never take action on should just be deleted. Don’t open them, just click delete.
For older emails, you want to keep, you can set up folders or labels in your email box. Next, file those emails away just as you would if they were paper. Finally, keep a do-to list and use your calendar instead of your inbox!
11. Make Your Lunches for the Week
As the kids are back at school, mornings tend to be so much busier. If there’s too much to do in the morning, like getting everyone’s lunches ready, it just complicates the entire day.
When it comes to quick and easy ways to simplify, preparing lunches for the entire week will make your mornings significantly simpler. This makes it so easy to just grab and go. It’s one less thing you have to think about!
12. Keep Reusable Bags in Your Car
I talked about decluttering shopping bags on the 7th. Now in order to consistently remember your shopping bags, so you don’t buy more, keep them in the car. I have one of those reusable bags made for frozen foods that zip close like this one. Now fill it with your reusable bags. It keeps everything organized and together and you only have to grab one bag.
After each shopping trip put the reusable bags back in the zippered bag and place them by the front door. On your way out, put them back in your car. So simple and easy. You’ll never forget your bags again.
13. Turn up the Music and Have a Dance Party
Finding ways to simplify is all about being able to enjoy life! Have fun and throw your own little dance party. Turn up the volume and get moving. You can involve the entire family or enjoy a party of one. Just get moving to your favorite tunes and have fun!
14. Declutter the Filing Cabinet
Eliminating as much paper as possible from your home will help simplify in more ways than I can state here. Here are some of my favorite tips to conquer paper clutter.
For now, go through your file cabinet and start getting rid of old files no longer needed. For things, you may need, but don’t require the original document, scan it, and store it in the cloud.
15. Write down Three Ways You Will Live Your Priorities this Week
What leaves us feeling overwhelmed is giving in to the urgent rather than working on the things that are important to us. To be more intentional with your time and ensure you are setting aside time for what matters most, make a list of your top 3 priorities.
Now schedule time in your planner to work on those priorities this week.
16. Deep Condition Your Hair
A little self-pampering is good for our confidence. After all, when we look at our best, we feel more confident. Pamper yourself a bit today with a deep conditioning hair mask and sip your favorite drink while it does its work. You really are worth it.
17. Listen to an Audiobook
I absolutely love to read, but the reality is it’s hard to find the time. An audiobook is a fantastic way to fit “reading” into your schedule.
My favorite time to listen to audiobooks is either when driving or folding laundry. I also love to just lay on the couch and listen. Don’t give up the joy of reading when you’re short on time, listen to an audiobook instead!
18. Do Yoga or Stretch Throughout the Day
Most of us are far too sedentary. At the same time, a complete workout can be too much when you need to relax. Yoga or stretching is the perfect solution. It allows your body to move while allowing your mind to focus and set a relaxing and slower pace.
19. Make Dinner in the Crockpot
Instapots are so popular today and for good reason. They allow you to get dinner on the table quickly and can cook pretty much anything. However, the nice thing about a crockpot is you can prepare your entire meal before you ever leave the house. When you come home dinner is completely ready!
Using a crockpot is one of my favorite quick and easy ways to simplify!
20. Indulge in Some Fine Dark Chocolate
Did you know that studies have shown dark chocolate is good for your health? Its benefits include:
- lowering cholesterol levels
- preventing cognitive decline
- reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems
Clearly, you owe it to yourself to indulge in some fine dark chocolate today!
21. Declutter Belts and Scarves
My scarf collection always seems to grow every year and I live in Southern California. I can’t imagine what it would be like if I lived someplace it was actually cold.
Before the weather starts making scarves a necessity, it’s a great time to declutter your scarf collection. Include other clothing accessories at the same time.
Take everything out. For anything ripped, stained, or past its prime go ahead and toss it. Anything that you haven’t worn in the last season, donate. For what remains be realistic about what you really need. Pair down to your favorites and donate the rest.
22. Evaluate Debt Payoff Plans
In January’s simplicity calendar, I encouraged you to create a debt payoff plan. If you’ve been paying off your debt this is a good time to evaluate your plan. The holidays will be approaching soon and you want to avoid incurring any further debt. Look at how you’re doing and make any necessary adjustments to get through the holidays without taking on any more debt.
23. Go Skating
Anytime you bring yourself back to the days of your youth, things feel a little simpler. Whether it’s roller blades, roller skates, ice skates, or even a skateboard, skating is a fun childhood memory. I promise you’re not too old to enjoy it.
Find a skating rank, rent some skates, and have a blast.
24. Organize the Fridge
When was the last time you organized your fridge? Truthfully, I probably don’t do this enough. But when I do it feels so nice. It even makes me want to cook more, which is rare for me.
Having things clean and organized really does help make things calm and simplified. Spend some time today and organize your refrigerator.
25. Meditate on a Bible Verse
When life gets overwhelming, this is my favorite way to quiet my heart. If you’re struggling with something particular, pick a verse that speaks to that struggle. Throughout the day focus on that verse.
One of my favorite verses to meditate on lately has been Luke 12: 4-7. It’s such a great reminder of God’s love and care for you!
26. Open Doors and Windows
Now that the weather is beginning to cool down, it is awesome to open all the doors and windows and just let the fresh air in! It freshens up everything and creates a sense of peace and calm. Try it, I know you’ll find it a quick and easy way to simplify!
27. Find a New Hiking Trail
Speaking of the weather cooling down, I personally love going on hikes, it is a great way to get some exercise, which naturally boosts your mood. It’s also a great way to get the kids outdoors and away from electronics.
Exploring new places creates wonderful memories, so look for a new place to hike today. You’ll have fun while also doing something to take care of yourself!
28. Declutter Extra Throws and Blankets
I’m a big fan of couch throws in the fall, (this one is amazing), it’s a great way to cozy up and relax. We have several so everyone can have their own. Usually, I end up replacing a couple of them around this time each year.
Because I’m a stickler for the one-in-one-out rule, the replaced items get donated. There is always a homeless or woman’s shelter that has a real need for these.
29. Plan out Your Goals for Next Month
There are seven even important areas in which I like to plan out monthly goals. They consist of my relationships, home environment or projects, health and fitness, finances, career/business, spiritual growth, and self-care. Each month I set a specific goal in each of these important areas. By doing this, I’m able to keep my focus where it’s most important and accomplish those things that matter most to me.
30. Write down Your Favorite Event from the Month
Take just a few moments to reflect back on the month. This helps you focus on the positive and see how your efforts to simplify are moving you closer toward those things that genuinely matter most.
There you have it, 30 ways to simplify in the month of September! Make sure to check back next month for more ways to simplify in October.
[…] In case you missed last month’s calendar, you can grab that here. […]